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File metadata and controls

857 lines (632 loc) · 28.1 KB

List of Available Blocks


Creates a block to display screen brightness. This is a simplified version of the Xrandr block that reads brightness information directly from the filesystem, so it works under Wayland. The block uses inotify to listen for changes in the device's brightness directly, so there is no need to set an update interval.

When there is no device specified, this block will display information from the first device found in the /sys/class/backlight directory. If you only have one display, this approach should find it correctly.

It is possible to set the brightness using this block as well -- see below for details.


Show brightness for a specific device:

block = "backlight"
device = "intel_backlight"

Show brightness for the default device:

block = "backlight"


Key Values Required Default
device The /sys/class/backlight device to read brightness information from. No Default device
step_width The brightness increment to use when scrolling, in percent. No 5

Setting Brightness with the Mouse Wheel

The block allows for setting brightness with the mouse wheel. However, depending on how you installed i3status-rust, it may not have the appropriate permissions to modify these files, and will fail silently. To remedy this you can write a udev rule for your system (if you are comfortable doing so).

First, check that your user is a member of the "video" group using the groups command. Then add a rule in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory containing the following, for example in backlight.rules:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", KERNEL=="acpi_video0", RUN+="/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", KERNEL=="acpi_video0", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+w /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"

You will need to ensure that the value of the KERNEL parameter here is the same as the device used to configure the block. (You will also need to restart for this rule to take effect.)


Creates a block which displays the current battery state (Full, Charging or Discharging), percentage charged and estimate time until (dis)charged.

The battery block collapses when the battery is fully charged -- or, in the case of some Thinkpad batteries, when it reports "Not charging".

The battery block supports reading charging and status information from either sysfs or the UPower D-Bus interface. These "drivers" have largely identical features, but UPower does include support for device = "DisplayDevice", which treats all physical power sources as a single logical battery. This is particularly useful if your system has multiple batteries.


Update the battery state every ten seconds, and show the time remaining until (dis)charging is complete:

block = "battery"
interval = 10
format = "{percentage}% {time}"

Rely on Upower for battery updates and information:

block = "battery"
driver = "upower"
format = "{percentage}% {time}"


Key Values Required Default
device The device in /sys/class/power_supply/ to read from. When using UPower, this can also be "DisplayDevice". No "BAT0"
driver One of "sysfs" or "upower". No "sysfs"
interval Update interval, in seconds. Only relevant for driver = "sysfs". No 10
format A format string. See below for available placeholders. No "{percentage}%"
show Deprecated in favour of format. Show remaining "time", "percentage" or "both" No "percentage"
upower Deprecated in favour of device. When true, use the Upower D-Bus driver. No false

The show option is deprecated, and will be removed in future versions. In the meantime, it will override the format option when present.

Format string

Placeholder Description
{percentage} Battery level, in percent.
{time} Time remaining until (dis)charge is complete.
{power} Power consumption (in watts) by the battery or from the power supply when charging.


Creates a block which displays the connectivity of a given Bluetooth device, or the battery level if this is supported. Relies on the Bluez D-Bus API, and is therefore asynchronous.

When the device can be identified as an audio headset, a keyboard, joystick, or mouse, use the relevant icon. Otherwise, fall back on the generic Bluetooth symbol.

Right-clicking the block will attempt to connect (or disconnect) the device.


A block for a Bluetooth device with the given MAC address:

block = "bluetooth"
mac = "A0:8A:F5:B8:01:FD"


Key Values Required Default
mac MAC address of the Bluetooth device. Yes None

CPU Utilization

Creates a block which displays the overall CPU utilization, calculated from /proc/stat.


Update CPU usage every second:

block = "cpu"
interval = 1
format = "{barchart} {utilization}% {frequency}GHz"


Key Values Required Default
info Minimum usage, where state is set to info. No 30
warning Minimum usage, where state is set to warning. No 60
critical Minimum usage, where state is set to critical. No 90
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 1
format A format string. Possible placeholders: {barchart} (barchart of each CPU's core utilization), {utilization} (average CPU utilization in percent) and {frequency} (CPU frequency). No "{utilization}%"
frequency Deprecated in favour of format. Sets format to {utilization}% {frequency}GHz No false


Creates a block that display the output of custom shell commands.


block = "custom"
command = "uname"
interval = 100
block = "custom"
cycle = ["echo ON", "echo OFF"]
on_click = "<command>"
interval = 1


Note that command and cycle are mutually exclusive.

Key Values Required Default
command Shell command to execute & display. No None
on_click Command to execute when the button is clicked. The command will be passed to whatever is specified in your $SHELL variable and - if not set - fallback to sh. No None
cycle Commands to execute and change when the button is clicked. No None
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 10

Disk Space

Creates a block which displays disk space information.


block = "disk_space"
path = "/"
alias = "/"
info_type = "available"
unit = "GB"
interval = 20


Key Values Required Default
path Path to collect information from No "/"
alias Alias that is displayed for path No "/"
info_type Currently supported options are available and free No "available"
unit Unit that is used to display disk space. Options are MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB and TiB No "GB"
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 20
show_percentage Show percentage of used/available disk space depending on info_type. No false

Focused Window

Creates a block which displays the title of the currently focused window. Uses push updates from i3 IPC, so no need to worry about resource usage. The block only updates when the focused window changes title or the focus changes.


block = "focused_window"
max_width = 21


Key Values Required Default
max_width Truncates titles to this length. No 21


Creates a block which displays the current global engine set in IBus. Updates are instant as D-Bus signalling is used.


block = "ibus"

Keyboard Layout

Creates a block to display the current keyboard layout.

This block polls setxkbmap for the current layout by default, but can be configured to read asynchronous updates from the systemd org.freedesktop.locale1 D-Bus path. Which of these two methods is appropriate will depend on your system setup.


Check setxkbmap every 15 seconds:

block = "keyboard_layout"
driver = "setxkbmap"
interval = 15

Listen to D-Bus for changes:

block = "keyboard_layout"
driver = "localebus"


Key Values Required Default
driver One of "setxkbmap" or "localebus", depending on your system. No "setxkbmap"
interval Update interval, in seconds. Only used by the "setxkbmap" driver. No 60


Creates a block which displays the system load average.


Display the 1-minute and 5-minute load averages, updated once per second:

block = "load"
format = "{1m} {5m}"
interval = 1


Key Values Required Default
format Format string. You can use the placeholders 1m 5m and 15m, e.g. "1min avg: {1m}". No "{1m}"
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 3


Creates a block which shows unread mails. Only supports maildir format.


block = "maildir"
interval = 60
inboxes = ["/home/user/mail/local", "/home/user/mail/gmail/Inbox"]
threshold_warning = 1
threshold_critical = 10
display_type = "new"


Key Values Required Default
inboxes List of maildir inboxes to look for mails in Yes None
threshold_warning Number of unread mails where state is set to warning No 1
threshold_critical Number of unread mails where state is set to critical No 10
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 5
display_type Which part of the maildir to count. One of "new", "cur", or "all" No "new"
icon Whether or not to prepend the output with the mail icon No true


Creates a block displaying memory and swap usage.

By default, the format of this module is ": {MFm}MB/{MTm}MB({Mp}%)" (Swap values accordingly). That behaviour can be changed within your config.

This module keeps track of both Swap and Memory. By default, a click switches between them.


block = "memory"
format_mem = "{Mum}MB/{MTm}MB({Mup}%)"
format_swap = "{SUm}MB/{STm}MB({SUp}%)"
display_type = "memory"
icons = true
clickable = true
interval = 5
warning_mem = 80
warning_swap = 80
critical_mem = 95
critical_swap = 95


Key Values Required Default
format_mem Format string for Memory view. All format values are described below. No "{MFm}MB/{MTm}MB({Mp}%)"
format_swap Format string for Swap view. No "{SFm}MB/{STm}MB({Sp}%)"
display_type Default view displayed on startup. Options are memory, swap No "memory"
icons Whether the format string should be prepended with Icons. No true
clickable Whether the view should switch between memory and swap on click. No true
warning_mem Percentage of memory usage, where state is set to warning. No 80.0
warning_swap Percentage of swap usage, where state is set to warning. No 80.0
critical_mem Percentage of memory usage, where state is set to critical. No 95.0
critical_swap Percentage of swap usage, where state is set to critical. No 95.0
interval The delay in seconds between an update. If clickable, an update is triggered on click. Integer values only. No 5

Format string specification

Key Value
{MTg} Memory total (GiB).
{MTm} Memory total (MiB).
{MAg} Available memory, including cached memory and buffers (GiB).
{MAm} Available memory, including cached memory and buffers (MiB).
{MAp} Available memory, including cached memory and buffers (%).
{MApi} Available memory, including cached memory and buffers (%) as integer.
{MFg} Memory free (GiB).
{MFm} Memory free (MiB).
{MFp} Memory free (%).
{MFpi} Memory free (%) as integer.
{Mug} Memory used, excluding cached memory and buffers; similar to htop's green bar (GiB).
{Mum} Memory used, excluding cached memory and buffers; similar to htop's green bar (MiB).
{Mup} Memory used, excluding cached memory and buffers; similar to htop's green bar (%).
{Mupi} Memory used, excluding cached memory and buffers; similar to htop's green bar (%) as integer.
{MUg} Total memory used (GiB).
{MUm} Total memory used (MiB).
{MUp} Total memory used (%).
{MUpi} Total memory used (%) as integer.
{Cg} Cached memory, similar to htop's yellow bar (GiB).
{Cm} Cached memory, similar to htop's yellow bar (MiB).
{Cp} Cached memory, similar to htop's yellow bar (%).
{Cpi} Cached memory, similar to htop's yellow bar (%) as integer.
{Bg} Buffers, similar to htop's blue bar (GiB).
{Bm} Buffers, similar to htop's blue bar (MiB).
{Bp} Buffers, similar to htop's blue bar (%).
{Bpi} Buffers, similar to htop's blue bar (%) as integer.
{STg} Swap total (GiB).
{STm} Swap total (MiB).
{SFg} Swap free (GiB).
{SFm} Swap free (MiB).
{SFp} Swap free (%).
{SFpi} Swap free (%) as integer.
{SUg} Swap used (GiB).
{SUm} Swap used (MiB).
{SUp} Swap used (%).
{SUpi} Swap used (%) as integer.


Creates a block to display the current song title and artist in a fixed-width marquee. Also provides buttons for play/pause, previous and next.

Supports all music players that implement the MediaPlayer2 Interface. This includes:

and many others.

The block can be configured to drive a specific music player by name or automatically discover the currently active one.


Show the currently playing song on Spotify only, with play & next buttons:

block = "music"
player = "spotify"
buttons = ["play", "next"]

Same thing for any compatible player, takes the first active on the bus:

block = "music"
buttons = ["play", "next"]

Start Spotify if the block is clicked whilst it's collapsed:

block = "music"
on_collapsed_click = "spotify"


Key Values Required Default
player Name of the music player. Must be the same name the player is registered with the MediaPlayer2 Interface. If unset, it will automatically discover the active player. Yes None
max_width Max width of the block in characters, not including the buttons No 21
marquee Bool to specify if a marquee style rotation should be used if the title + artist is longer than max-width No true
marquee_interval Marquee interval in seconds. This is the delay between each rotation. No 10
marquee_speed Marquee speed in seconds. This is the scrolling time used per character. No 0.5
buttons Array of control buttons to be displayed. Options are prev (previous title), play (play/pause) and next (next title) No []
on_collapsed_click Shell command to run when the music block is clicked while collapsed. No None


Creates a block which displays the upload and download throughput for a network interface. Units are in bytes per second (kB/s, MB/s, etc).


block = "net"
device = "wlp2s0"
ssid = true
signal_strength = true
ip = true
speed_up = false
graph_up = true
interval = 5


Key Values Required Default
device Network interface to moniter (name from /sys/class/net) Yes lo (loopback interface)
ssid Display network SSID (wireless only). No false
signal_strength Display WiFi signal strength (wireless only). No false
bitrate Display connection bitrate. No false
ip Display connection IP address. No false
speed_up Display upload speed. No true
speed_down Display download speed. No true
graph_up Display a bar graph for upload speed. No false
graph_down Display a bar graph for download speed. No false
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 1
hide_missing Whether to hide networks that are down/inactive completely. No false
hide_inactive Whether to hide networks that are missing. No false

Nvidia Gpu

Proprietary nvidia driver required.

Creates a block which displays the Nvidia GPU utilization, temperature, used and total memory, fan speed, gpu clocks. You can set gpu label, that displayed by default.

Clicking the left button on the icon changes the output of the label to the output of the gpu name. Same with memory: used/total.

Clicking the left button on the fans turns on the mode of changing the speed of the fans using the wheel. Press again to turn off the mode. For this opportunity you need nvidia-settings!


block = "nvidia_gpu"
label = "GT 1030"
show_memory = false
show_clocks = true
interval = 1


Key Values Required Default
gpu_id GPU id in system No 0
label Display custom gpu label No ""
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 1
show_utilization Display gpu utilization. In percents. No true
show_memory Display memory information. No true
show_temperature Display gpu temperature. No true
show_fan_speed Display fan speed. No false
show_clocks Display gpu clocks. No false


Creates a block which displays the pending updates available on pacman.


Update the list of pending updates every ten seconds:

block = "pacman"
interval = 10


Key Values Required Default
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 600 (10min)


Creates a block which displays the volume level (according to PulseAudio or ALSA). Right click to toggle mute, scroll to adjust volume.

Requires a PulseAudio installation or alsa-utils for ALSA.

PulseAudio support is a feature and can be turned on (--features "pulseaudio") / off (--no-default-features) during build with cargo. If PulseAudio support is enabled the "auto" driver will first try to connect to PulseAudio and then fallback to ALSA on error.

Note that if you are using PulseAudio commands (such as pactl) to control your volume, you should select the "pulseaudio" (or "auto") driver to see volume changes that exceed 100%.


Change the default scrolling step width to 3 percent:

block = "sound"
step_width = 3


Key Values Required Default
driver "auto", "pulseaudio", "alsa" No "auto" (Pulseaudio with ALSA fallback)
name PulseAudio / ALSA device name No Default Device (@DEFAULT_SINK@ / Master)
step_width The percent volume level is increased/decreased for the selected audio device when scrolling. Capped automatically at 50. No 5
on_click Shell command to run when the sound block is clicked. No None
show_volume_when_muted Show the volume even if it is currently muted. No `false

Speed Test

Creates a block which uses speedtest-cli to measure your ping, download, and upload speeds.


block = "speedtest"
bytes = true
interval = 1800


Key Values Required Default
bytes Whether to use bytes or bits in the display (true for bytes, false for bits). No false
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 1800


Creates a block which displays the system temperature, based on lm_sensors' sensors -u output. The block has two modes: "collapsed", which uses only colour as an indicator, and "expanded", which shows the content of a format string.

Requires lm_sensors and appropriate kernel modules for your hardware.

The average, minimum, and maximum temperatures are computed using all sensors displayed by sensors -u, or the subset matching the chip name, if chip is specified.

Note that the colour of the block is always determined by the maximum temperature across all sensors, not the average. You may need to keep this in mind if you have a misbehaving sensor.


block = "temperature"
collapsed = false
interval = 10
format = "{min}° min, {max}° max, {average}° avg"
chip = "*-isa-*"


Key Values Required Default
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 5
collapsed Whether the block will be collapsed by default. No true
good Maximum temperature to set state to good. No 20
idle Maximum temperature to set state to idle. No 45
info Maximum temperature to set state to info. No 60
warning Maximum temperature to set state to warning. Beyond this temperature, state is set to critical. No 80
chip Narrows the results to a given chip name. * may be used as a wildcard. No None

Available Format Keys

Key Value
{min} Minimum temperature among all sensors.
{average} Average temperature among all sensors.
{max} Maximum temperature among all sensors.


Creates a block which display the current time.


block = "time"
format = "%a %d/%m %R"
timezone = "US/Pacific"
interval = 60


Key Values Required Default
format Format string. See the chrono docs for all options. No "%a %d/%m %R"
on_click Shell command to run when the time block is clicked. No None
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 5
timezone A timezone specifier (e.g. "Europe/Lisbon") No Local timezone


Creates a toggle block. You can add commands to be executed to disable the toggle (command_off), and to enable it (command_on). You also need to specify a command to determine the (initial) state of the toggle (command_state). When the command outputs nothing, the toggle is disabled, otherwise enabled. By specifying the interval property you can let the command_state be executed continuously.


This is what I use to toggle my external monitor configuration:

block = "toggle"

text = "4k"
command_state = "xrandr | grep DP1\\ connected\\ 38 | grep -v eDP1"
command_on = "~/.screenlayout/"
command_off = "~/.screenlayout/"
interval = 5


Key Values Required Default
text Label to include next to the toggle icon. No ""
command_on Shell Command to enable the toggle Yes None
command_off Shell Command to disable the toggle Yes None
command_state Shell Command to determine toggle state. Empty output => off. Any output => on. Yes None
icon_on Icon override for the toggle button while on. No "toggle_on"
icon_off Icon override for the toggle button while off. No "toggle_off"
interval Update interval, in seconds. No None


Creates a block which displays local weather and temperature information. In order to use this block, you will need access to a supported weather API service. At the time of writing, OpenWeatherMap is the only supported service.

Configuring the Weather block requires configuring a weather service, which may require API keys and other parameters.


Show detailed weather in San Francisco through the OpenWeatherMap service:

block = "weather"
format = "{weather} ({location}) {temp}°, {wind} m/s {direction}"
service = { name = "openweathermap", api_key = "XXX", city_id = "5398563", units = "metric" }


Key Values Required Default
format The text format of the weather display. No "{weather} {temp}°"
service The configuration of a weather service (see below). Yes None
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 600

OpenWeatherMap Options

To use the service you will need a (free) API key.

Key Values Required Default
name openweathermap Yes None
api_key Your OpenWeatherMap API key. Yes None
city_id OpenWeatherMap's ID for the city. Yes None
units One of metric or imperial. Yes None

The options api_key and/or city_id can be omitted from configuration, in which case they must be provided in the environment variables OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY and/or OPENWEATHERMAP_CITY_ID.

Available Format Keys

Key Value
{location} Location name (exact format depends on the service).
{temp} Temperature.
{weather} Textual description of the weather, e.g. "Raining".
{wind} Wind speed.
{direction} Wind direction, e.g. "NE".


Creates a block which displays system uptime. The block will always display the 2 biggest units, so minutes and seconds, or hours and minutes or days and hours or weeks and days.


block = "uptime"




Creates a block which shows screen information (name, brightness, resolution). With a click you can toggle through your active screens and with wheel up and down you can adjust the selected screens brightness.


block = "xrandr"
icons = true
resolution = true
interval = 2


Key Values Required Default
icons Show icons for brightness and resolution (needs awesome fonts support) No true
resolution Shows the screens resolution No false
step_width The steps brightness is in/decreased for the selected screen (When greater than 50 it gets limited to 50) No 5
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 5


Creates a block which shows the local docker daemon status (containers running, paused, stopped, total and image count).


block = "docker"
interval = 2
format = "{running}/{total}"


Key Values Required Default
interval Update interval, in seconds. No 5
format A format string. See below for available placeholders. No "{running}"

Available Format Keys

Key Value
{total} Total containers on the host.
{running} Containers running on the host.
{stopped} Containers stopped on the host.
{paused} Containers paused on the host.
{images} Total images on the host.


Creates a block which runs a pomodoro timer.


block = "pomodoro"
length = 25
break_length = 5
message = "Take a break!"
break_message = "Back to work!"
enable_i3nagbar = false


Key Values Required Default
length Timer duration in minutes. No 25
break_length Break duration in minutes. No 5
enable_i3nagbar i3-nagbar enabled No false
message i3-nagbar message when timer expires. No Pomodoro over! Take a break!
break_message i3-nagbar message when break is over. No Break over! Time to work!