Full stack dashboard made with react.js and tailwindCss as front-end and Laravel Rest-API as backend
In order to run this project perfectly on your machine , follow instrunctions down below :
1- Open terminal -> git clone https://github.com/ThunderboltForEver/school_administration.git .
2- Open the folder school_administration with any text editor.
3- Open the terminal ( ctr + j ) -> composer install
4- Create a mysql database with the name school_administration .
5- php artisan migrate .
6- cp .env.example .env
7- php artisan key:generate
8- php artisan storage:link
9- cd project_frontend -> npm install
10- npm run dev
11- open a new terminal with keeping the first one running and run -> php artisan serve
12- open your browser at localhost:3000 and enjoy with the project .