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TidyCoder edited this page Aug 6, 2024 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Tidy Open File Management Library wiki!

This repository has several functions translated in several programming languages about file management (delete file, check if a file exists... etc).

Exemple of functions

This repo is rich in functions, examples:

  • A function that check if a file exists
  • A function that check if a specified path is a file
  • A function that check if a specified path is a directory
  • A function that delete a file or a directory, etc...

What do we use of libraries for this project & requirements

  1. For the c binding:
  • The <stdio.h>
  • For windows: The <windows.h>
  • For POSIX (Linux, macOS): <unistd.h>
  1. For the Python binding:
  • The python interpreter with the standard library.
  1. For the java binding:
  • The class and java.
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