- Research Incidence Matrix representation
- Calculate vertex degree (number of edges connected to a vertex)
- Determine if graph has Eulerian Walk (number of odd degree vertices is 0 or 2)
- Export one representation to another
- Optimize graph properties
- save property so it isn't calculated on every read
- use lazy init on graph properties
- Implement graph structure
- Implement path finding algorithms
- Implement weighted graph representations
- find minimum spanning trees
- Implement directed graph representations
- Research Hypergraph representation
Push startV to frontierQueue
Add startV to discoveredSet
while ( frontierQueue is not empty )
currentV = Pop frontierQueue
"Visit" currentV
for each vertex adjV adjacent to currentV
if ( adjV is not in discoveredSet )
Push adjV to frontierQueue
Add adjV to discoveredSet
Push startV to stack
while ( stack is not empty )
currentV = Pop stack
"Visit" currentV
if ( currentV is not in visitedSet )
Add currentV to visitedSet
for each vertex adjV adjacent to currentV
Push adjV to stack
if ( currentV is not in visitedSet )
Add currentV to visitedSet
"Visit" currentV
for each vertex adjV adjacent to currentV