I found this Deck of Cards API a few weeks back and have been wanting to do something with it. I am teaming up with Alex Ackerlund and Ransom Bowman on this project where we will create a web application using the ReactJS JavaScript framework and the site will be hosted on GitHub pages for deployment. Some of the tools we want to work with are:
ReactJS, NodeJS and use dependencies of:
- React Router (to allow for navigation)
- Styled-Components (to allow us to syle our code with CSS)
- GitHub pages (for deployment)
- Axios (for HTTP requests)
The goal is to have a website/web app that has navigation between card games like Blackjack, Solitare, FreeCell, etc.
The API we are using is the DeckOfCardsAPI.com
We are using the 'Graceful degration' design strategy to modify this for mobile use after the desktop site is complete