Register with CP Template + Activation
The regsister was tested in localhost under subdomain create.localhost
To change base domain, go to create > js > register.js : line 8
, change the following line to your desired create base
base_url : 'http://create.localhost',
base_url : '',
You have to create and use Google's reCaptcha v3, follow instructions here: Google reCaptcha v3
Edit reCaptcha site key in create > js > register.js : line 5
reCAPTCHA_site_key : "Your site key goes here",
Also edit it in create > index.html
in header section
Edit your MySQL data and reCaptcha secret key in the php file.
Edit create > ajax > index.php : line 17 to 25
, to match your credentials.
To enable account activation, you have to edit email smtp details, and change create.localhost
domain in php to your domain, so users can activate their account.
Visit and enjoy your register!