A workshop code collection that can be used in version 3.x Please consider that this is a work in progress.
- Array Swap
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16201656/how-to-swap-two-variables-in-javascriptlet a = 1, b = 2; // all of the below are the same console.log('Before: %i, %i', a, b); console.log('Before: ' + a + ', ' + b); console.log(`Before: ${a}, ${b}`); b = [a, a = b][0]; [b, a] = [a, b]; // or you can be boring (apparently faster) var c = a; // var, let, const b = c; a = b; console.log(`After: ${a}, ${b}`)
equals(a, b[, c[, ...]])
: Booleanfunction equals(a, b) { // ... }
- Notes
- Attempt to allow multiple arguments.
can be used
- Attempt to allow multiple arguments.
- Applies to:
- Array
/** Static */ Array.equals = function(a, b) { if(a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for(let i = this.length; i--;) { if(a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** Prototype */ Array.prototype.equals = function(arr) { if(this.length !== arr.length) { return false; } for(let i = this.length; i--;) { if(this[i] !== arr[i]) { return false; } } return true; }
Array.equals([1, 2, 3], ['1', '2', '3']) // false
- Static[1, 2, 3].equals(['1', '2', '3']) // false
- Prototype[1, 2, 3].equals('1', '2', '3') // false
- Prototype
- Math
Math.equals = function(a : Number, b : Number) : Boolean { return !(isNaN(a) && isNaN(b)) && (a === b); }
Math.equals(4, 5)
- Static
- Number
// Static Number.equals = function(...numbers: Number[]) { } // Prototype Number.prototype.equals = function(num) { return Math.equals(this, num); }
Number.equals(1, 1)
- Static1.equals(1)
- Prototype
- Object
Object.equals = function(a, b) { // ... } Object.prototype.equals = function(obj) { // ... }
Object.equals({a:1}, {b:2}[, {c:3}[, ...]])
- Static{a:1}.equals({b:2}[, {c:3}[, ...]])
- Prototype
- String
String.equals = function(a: String, b: String): Boolean { return Array.equals(a, b); } String.prototype.equals = function(a) { return Array.prototype.equals.call(this, a); }
String.equals("1", 1.toString(10))
- Static"1".equals(1.toString(10))
- Prototype
- Array
- Notes
format(a : String [, b : *[, c : *[, ...]]])
: String- Applies to:
- String
String.format("{0}, {1}", "Discord", "b1nzy")
- Static"{0}, {1}".format("Discord", "b1nzy")
- Prototype
- String
- Applies to:
format(n: Number) || formatNumber(n: Number | String)
: String- Applies to:
- Number
Number.format = function(n: Number): String { return n.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)/g, "$1,") } Number.prototype.format = function(): String { return Number.format.call({}, this); }
- String
String.formatNumber = function(n: String | Number): String { return Number.format.call({}, Number(this)); } String.prototype.formatNumber = function(): String { return // not implimented }
- Number
- Applies to:
gcd(...x: Number[])
: String- Applies to:
- Math
Math.gcd = function(...arr : Number[]) { }
- Number
Number.gcd = function() { // arguments } Number.prototype.gcd = function() { // [this, ...arguments] }
- Math
- Applies to:
: Boolean- Applies to:
- Object
- Applies to:
merge(a, b[, c[, ...]])
: Object- Applies to:
- Object
Object.merge = function(...arr : Object[]) { arr.reduce((prev : Object, curr : Object) => Object.assign(prev, curr), arr[1] /*: Object*/) }
Object.merge({a:1}, {b:2}, {c:3})
- Static{a:1}.merge({b:2}, {c:3})
- Prototype
- Object
- Applies to:
pow(n, power)
: Number- Applies to:
- Math
Math.pow = function (n : Number, p : Number) : Number { return Array(p - 1).fill(0).reduce((c : Number) => c * n, n); }
Math.pow(2, 3) // 8
- StaticMath.pow(8, 1/3) // Error (real integer required)
- Static
- Math
- Applies to:
range(start[, end[, step])
: Number[]- Applies to:
- Math
Math.range = function(start : Number = 0, end : Number = 5, step : Number = 1) : Number[] { return Array(end - start / step).fill(start).map(i => i * step + start); }
Math.range(5) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- StaticMath.range(5, 20) // [5, 6, ..., 18, 19]
- StaticMath.range(5, 20, 5) // [5, 10, 15]
- Static
- Number
Number.range = function(start : Number, end : Number, step : Number) : Number[] { return Math.range(start, end, step); } Number.prototype.range = function(/* start : Number, */ end : Number, step : Number) : Number { // ??? }
Number.range(5) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- StaticNumber.range(5, 20) // [5, 6, ..., 18, 19]
- StaticNumber.range(5, 20, 5) // [5, 10, 15]
- Static5.range() // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- Prototype5.range(20) // [5, 6, ..., 19, 20]
- Prototype5.range(20, 5) // [5, 10, 15]
- Prototype
- String
String.range = function(start : Number = "A", end : String = "D", step : Number = 1) {} String.prototype.range = function() {}
- Math
- Applies to:
These changes are based on mozilla's documentation.
forbidden.- Errors will only output the local environment folder.
Parent folder paths will be removed. - Some npm modules may be included in the environment by default.
- Considerations to make a package manager for the workshop as a way to improve response times.
None of the below are guaranteed to stay.
inquirer equivalent for discord
Restricted modules
- our version of the discord client
- our version of a database driver
None of the below are guaranteed to stay.
- axios
- jquery
None of the below are guaranteed to stay.
- babel
- eslint
- mocha
- semver
None of the below are guaranteed to stay.
Conflicts exists in file extensions.
- Bizubee (.jsl?)
- CoffeeScript (.coffee)
- LiveScript (.ls)
- IcedCoffeeScript (.iced)
- LispyScript (.ls)
- HotCocoaLisp (.hcl)
None of the below are guaranteed to stay.
- C#
- Clojure
- ColdFusion
- Crystal
- Dart
- Elixir
- Elm
- Haskell
- Haxe
- Java
- JScript (ECMA3)
- Julia
- Kotlin
- Nim
- Python
- Rust
- TypeScript
- Visual Basic
- Angular
- Ember
- Ejs
- GrapesJS - Page Editor (like wix)
- ReactJS
- VueJS
- CycleJS
- MarkoJS
- MithrilJS
- PugJS
- Handlebars
Mozilla JavaScript
JavaScript Extensions
Prototype Extensions