Hello control team! Paul here. Ready to make a robotic arm? Swag! Lets get going!
- We will use C# becuse it is close to Java and supported with Kinect.
- We will use Microsoft's Kinect tools becuse they are supported.
- We will control the motors using an arduino.
- We will have all the logic on the PC.
- We will use Firmata to talk between the PC and the Arduino
- We will use the included implementation File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata for the
- We will use http://code.google.com/p/sharpduino/ for the PC
You won't have to do this if someone already has.
- Install and run http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/software
- Load File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata onto the Aurduino.
- Test it.
- Install Visual Studio Professional 2012 from https://www.dreamspark.com/
- Download Kinect tools from MS. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/develop/developer-downloads.aspx
- Clone!
- Assign yourself to some issues. Github will work the same way as the FRC code did.
- Have fun!