This repository contains my personal configuration files (also known as
dotfiles). The package lists can be found in ~/.pkglist/
. To install all
official packages, you can use for example cat .pkglist/pacman | pacman -S -
In the following sections I'll explain how this dotfiles repository was set up, how to use it and how to restore them, for example on a new device.
Note: I migrated to by Eli Schwartz, which is a thin wrapper for git that implements the method described here.
Setup a bare git repository in your home directory. Bare repositories have no
working directory, so setup an alias to avoid typing the long command. Add the
git directory ~/.dotfiles/
to the gitignore as a security measure. Setup
remote and push. Hide untracked files when querying the status.
git init --bare "$HOME/.dotfiles"
echo 'alias dotfiles="/usr/bin/env git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME"' \
>> "$HOME/.zshrc"
source "$HOME/.zshrc"
echo '.dotfiles' >> "$HOME/.gitignore"
dotfiles add "$HOME/.gitignore"
dotfiles commit -m 'Git: Add gitignore'
dotfiles remote add origin
dotfiles push --set-upstream origin master
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Use the default git subcommands to track, update and remove files. You can obviously also use branches and all other features of git.
dotfiles status
dotfiles add .zshrc
dotfiles commit -m 'Zsh: Add zshrc'
dotfiles add .vimrc
dotfiles commit -m 'Vim: Add vimrc'
dotfiles push
To remove a file from the repository while keeping it locally you can use:
dotfiles rm --cached ~/.some_file
First clone dependent repositories, in this case for example oh-my-zsh
. Clone
your dotfiles repository as bare repository. Setup temporary alias and then
checkout. If there exist files that collide with your repository (like a default
), the files will be moved to ~/.dotfiles.bak/
. Then update all
submodules and again hide untracked files when querying the status.
git clone \
git clone --bare --recursive \
function dotfiles() {
/usr/bin/env git --git-dir="$HOME/.dotfiles/" --work-tree="$HOME" "$@"
dotfiles checkout
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
mkdir -p "$HOME/.dotfiles.bak"
dotfiles checkout 2>&1 \
| grep -P '^\s+[\w.]' \
| awk {'print $1'} \
| xargs -I{} sh -c 'cp -r --parents "{}" "$HOME/.dotfiles.bak/" && rm -rf "{}"'
dotfiles checkout
dotfiles submodule update --recursive --remote
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Note that the automatic moving of already existing (thus conflicting) files fails if there are too many of them (git cuts the message at some point).
The short variant, using a script with the commands above:
. <(curl -Ls
(Note: This is for my personal use. Instead of directly sourcing the install script, you should save it somewhere on your system and review it.)
Instead of the alias provided above, you can use following function. listall
will show all tracked files, listtree
will show those files in a tree format
(requires the package treeify
). You may need to use a pager for these
dotfiles() {
case "$1" in
dotfiles ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD "$@"
if hash treeify 2>/dev/null; then
dotfiles ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only HEAD "$@" | treeify
dotfiles listall
/usr/bin/env git --git-dir="$HOME/.dotfiles/" --work-tree="$HOME" "$@"
can provide zsh
autocompletion of the git
command for your
equivalent dotfiles
compdef dotfiles='git'