Requires a mongodb database
npm install
Install node modules
npm run watch
Runs development build while watching for file changes
npm start
Runs bundled server
npm build
Builds server to dist/bundle.js
for production
The following can be configed in an .env
HTTP_PORT = port-to-listen-on
JWT_SECRET = secret-jwt-key
HASH_SALT = secret-salt-for-hashing
SESSION_SECRET = secret-session-key
MONGODB_URL = url-for-mongodb-database
MONGODB_NAME = name-of-mongodb-database
CORS_ORIGIN = ["url0", "url1"] OR url
ALLOWED_IP = some-ip
Can be configured to only allow access from a specific IP
- Private id - used to identify user
- Private key - used to authenticate user and encrypt data
- 2 factor authentication
- All files are stored fully encrypted in filesystem
- Supports actions:
- Writing
- Reading
- Renaming
- Uploading
- Uploading from URL