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zetok edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 38 revisions


# How to translate - tools To make new translation, or update/correct one, you will need ``Qt Linguist`` and ``lupdate`` tools.

Extensive guide:

##On *nix ###If you're just updating: If you want to update your local qTox master branch to newest changes in master:

if ! (git fetch original && git rebase original/master master); then
    git remote add original
    git fetch original
    git rebase original/master master

This will get changes from tux3/qTox and will apply them on top of your local master branch. (this probably should be a helper script for anyone wanting to start contributing to qTox without being too familiar with git)

Update translation files:

lupdate -pro -locations absolute -ts translations/$LANGUAGE.ts

(don't forget to substitute $LANGUAGE)

Open updated .ts file in Qt Linguist, translate it, save.

Remove obsolete strings:

lupdate -pro -no-obsolete -locations none -ts translations/$LANGUAGE.ts

Finally, commit changes and send pull request.

git commit -a -m 'feat(translation): add update language X'

###If you're adding new translation(s): Files to edit:


In both of those files search for translations and add your language. Then proceed with steps for updating translation.

Search for static QStringList locales and static QStringList langs in src/widget/form/settings/generalform.cpp, and modify accordingly.

Now generate new translation file:

lupdate -pro -ts translations/$LANGUAGE.ts -target-language ln_NW ## substitute $LANGUAGE and 'ln_NW'

Open generated .ts file with Qt Linguist, translate it, save, add modified/created files to git, commit, push to github and make pull request.

git commit -a -m 'feat(translation): add language X'
# How to translate - style

You may wonder in what style qTox translation should be done, what to translate and what shouldn't be translated, and what are standards.

Non-translatable stuff:

  • Tox ID
  • Tox
  • qTox
  • ToxDNS - may be otherwise known as tox1 / tox2 / tox3 / toxdns1 / toxdns2 / toxdns3
### Most likely shouldn't be translated: * `NoSpam` - although if there is a really good equivalent in a language you are translating to, you can translate it. Just make sure to put a note about it in language-specific section of this wiki entry.

General tips and guidelines:

  • Translation generally should be kept in a casual way, except for parts that are important - e.g. removing profile, encrypting/decrypting it, etc. Unless it feels unnatural in given language to use informal style in a program, translation shouldn't be stiff.
  • English as a source language is missing some stuff, and thus general tip when it comes to translating: use whatever other stuff is using. You may not be too sure what does that exactly mean, so there are some examples:
    • Friend(s) - noticed how e.g. facebook is using that term? Use in translation whatever fb uses - after all, people should get stuff they are already familiar with. Unless facebook does it horribly wrong, then just use something better ;)

Language-specific stuff

(not yet done, if you think that you can add subsections here, please do so)


Qué, qué no y cómo traducir

Ingles Español No usar Notas
Add Agregar Añadir Add friend, add circle
Audio call Llamada de audio
Away Ausente Para estados
Busy Ocupado Para estados
Chat history Historial de chat Registro de chat
Chat Chat Conversación Para "chat" como sustantivo, no verbo
Circle Círculo
Decrypt Descifrar Decriptar, Desencriptar
Delete Eliminar Suprimir, borrar
Directory Directorio Carpeta
Do you want to... Deseas... Quieres...
Encrypt Cifrar Encriptar "Encriptar", por desgracia, no existe
Encryption Cifrado Encriptado
Friend request Solicitud de amistad
Friend Amigo Contacto En el original inglés aun quedan un par de "contacts", que son traducidos de todas maneras a "amigos"
Groupchat Chat grupal Chat de grupo
Login screen Pantalla de inicio
Logout Cerrar sesión Desconectar Para el perfil en uso en qTox
Mute Silenciar
Nospam Nospam
Offline Desconectado Para estados
Online Conectado En linea Para estados
Send Enviar Mandar
Start Iniciar Arrancar "Iniciar qTox", "iniciar el sistema"
Status Estado
Unmute Activar sonido Desilenciar Lamentablemente "desilenciar" no existe. La palabra correcta, "desenmudecer" es peor que "activar sonido"
Video call Videollamada Llamada de vídeo
Warning Advertencia Aviso


Se usan la puntuación según la norma española. En particular, ¿? y ¡!, no sólo ? y !


Siguiendo la guía oficial de qTox, se tutea al usuario.


De ser posible, usar la tercera persona para evitar nombrar al usuario o sus amigos por un determinado género. De ser necesario, tratar siempre en forma masculina, por ser el neutro de facto. Por favor, no usar @ final para referir ambos sexos. Además de que se ve mal, no soluciona el problema de ser realmente inclusivo (asexuales, etc).

Dialecto y vocabulario regional

El español ha de ser neutro. Para las pocas palabras que difieren por región (vídeo/video por ejemplo) pero que tienen que ser usadas en la UI, se preferirá la variante ibérica. En caso de dudas, RAE manda.


  • Anti-spam is the French for Nospam
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