Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre de mon apprentissage pour le parcours d'OpenClassrooms (Développeur d'application PHP/Symfony).
This project is a blog developed in PHP, which allows a developer to present his talents and skills through a personalized blog. The website is developed from scratch, without using WordPress, to showcase PHP web development skills.
- Home page with developer information (last name, first name, photo/logo, catchphrase).
- List of all blog posts, sorted from newest to oldest.
- Detailed view for each blog post, with title, content, date updated, and comment form.
- Addition, modification and deletion of articles, reserved for the blogger.
- User login and registration pages.
- Enhanced security to avoid security vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection, etc.).
- Integration of a full HTML/CSS code theme for a modern and responsive presentation.
-- Prerequisites
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine :
- XAMPP (For Apache and phpmyadmin)
- Git (To clone the project)
-- Installation Follow the steps below to install and configure the project on your local machine :
- If you have Git installed, you can clone this repository. Open git bash and run the following command (git clone https://github.com/TolMen/OCProjet5)
- Move the cloned folder to the htdocs directory of XAMPP
- Create your database, don't forget to create the tables with their columns, and modify the parameters of the "configBDD" file
- Launch XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL modules, then click admin to access it
This project is licensed under MIT - View file license for more details.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or contributions. Have a nice visit on our blog !