Demo Project: Web socket api used to handle communication between connected game clients and host.
The api has an endpoint for connecting to and an endpoint to send messages back.
Note: Websocket handles unique connection id
- Client connects and connect route lambda adds entry into table
- Table stream triggers game state lambda updating game logic and sending update to all connected clients
- Client sends message with character selection and send message route lambda updates entry into table
- Table stream triggers game state lambda updating game logic and sending update to all connected clients
- Host sends host message with start/finish and send host route lambda updates entry into table
- Table stream triggers game state lambda updating game logic and sending update to all connected clients
- Client disconnects and disconnect route lambda removes entry into table
Package | For |
Pixi React | Rendering, react binidngs for Pixi.js |
React Spring | Tween animations |
React Use Websocket | Web socket Hook |
React Hot Toast | Toasts |
React Hook Form | Form |
Texture Packer | Packing spritesheets |
Uses S3, Route53, Cloudfront, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Lambda and IAM AWS Services.
- CDK used for IaC
- DynamoDB table stores connection id and player/host state
- DynamoDB streams trigger a lambda to handle game logic and 'broadcast' to all connections
- WebSocket API Gateway with lambda route integrations
Github actions used for CI/CD
Name | Reason |
AWS_BUCKET_ROLE_ARN | Role for put/delete S3 + invalidate Cloudfront |
AWS_BUCKET_PATH | S3 Projects |
AWS_DISTRIBUTION_ID | Cloudfront id |
AWS_LAMBDA_ROLE_ARN | Role for update lambda code |