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Ruby (2.7.0) & Rails (
For nodejs, follow the appropriate guide for your OS: (Choose a recent version of node. ~Version 13) For yarn:
git clone
Once cloned, cd into the repository, then cd src
and then run the following commands to install dependcies
bundle install
yarn install
If you encounter errors, try restarting PostgreSQL and installing additional updates.
For CentOS:
$ systemctl restart postgresql-9.6
$ sudo yum install postgresql96-libs
$ sudo yum install postgresql96-devel
For MacOS:
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
Please run the following. sudo yum install postgresql-libs postgresql-devel
rake db:create
rake db:migrate:reset
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Ensure that you are in the src
directory of the repository, and then run this command: rails s --binding=x.x.x.x
, where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your machine. If you are on a linux machine (such as the TCNJ VMs), you can run ip addr show eth0
and your IP address will be the numbers, seperated by dots after inet
. Do not include the /<number>
on the end of the IP address.
To view the server, go to your browser and type in localhost:3000
if the server is running on your machine. If the server is running on a remote VM or machine, type in the browser <ip or url for machine>:3000
and replace <ip or url for machine>
with the either the ip address or the url/name of the machine.
Please see the (wiki)[] for a more in-depth/alternate description of how to install this server properly.
NOTE: You will see warnings when you start the server and run the rake commands for the database setup. Something like:
/home/student1/.rbenv/versions/2.7.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call
These warnings are NOT generated by my code. They are caused by rails using now deprecated features of ruby.
NOTE: If you get an error about the host you are using, you will need to add this line to config/environments/development.rb
config.hosts << <host name>
where <host name>
is the name of your server/host for the rails application
You will need an account for the Sendgrid API to send emails within the application and set these two environment variables
- SENDGRID_USERNAME - The username for your sendgrid api account
- SENDGRID_PASSWORD - The password for your sendgrid api account
- DOMAIN - Domain of the application
For development purposes, you may want to use Figaro for the enviornment variables. Otherwise, you can set them as normally would.