Downloads the NTLite installer and extracts NTLite.exe
from it, cleaning up after itself.
Depends on inno.ps1
If (!(Test-Path ntlite.exe)) {
If (!(Test-Path ntlite-installer.exe)) {
Write-Output "Downloading the NTLite installer"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ntlite-installer.exe
If (!(Test-Path inno.exe)) {
Write-Output "Downloading innoextract"
& .\inno.ps1
Write-Output "Extracting the NTLite installer"
# Call with the .exe to beat the default precedence of .ps1
.\inno.exe ntlite-installer.exe
Remove-Item ntlite-installer.exe
Remove-Item inno.exe
Move-Item app/NTLite.exe ntlite.exe
Remove-Item app -Recurse
& .\ntlite.ps1