Modern and clean mui Template
Slim - a free and open source React dashboard template made using Material UI React component library with aim of flexibility and better customizability.
Modern & Clean Responsive MUI Material-ui Admin Dashboard Template. It is fully responsive.
It can be used for most type of dashboard and app templates like analytics, admin or messenger app for your desktop or mobile applications. Amazing flexibility and reusability. 85+ Demo pages
- Support React18.
- Professional user interface.
- Material UI React components.
- Fully responsive, all modern browser supported.
- Easy to use code & folder structure.
- Flexible & high-Performance code
- Hundreds of customized MUI components.
- Pre-build useful pages & Apps.
- Dark & light mode
- Complete Version Preview
- Clean Version Preview Version with only components, styles, theme and sample page
- Download from Github
Clone from Github
git clone
- Material UI V5
- React 18
- Built with React Hooks API
- Redux & React Context API for State Management
- React Router for Navigation Routing
- Vite
- Code Splitting
- Aliases
- Light/Dark theme support
- Eslint - airbnb style guide
- ApexCharts
To report a bug, please submit an issue on Github. We will respond as soon as possible to resolve the issue.
- More components!
- More Pages
- Better customization
- Better documentation
- Performance
- Bundle size
- User issues & support
- Typescript version
- Next/CRA/Remix versions
- Accessibility.
We use different colors
βββ package.json -> Package json file.
βββ public
βββ src
β βββ _mocks -> Mock Json data to be used for working apps
β βββ assets
β β βββ images
β β βββ css -> Template css files
β β β βββ style.css -> Application main css file
β βββ components
β β βββ layouts
β β β βββ LandingLayout -> Layout for landing components & routers
β β β βββ MainLayout -> Layout for main components & routers
β β β βββ MinimalLayout -> Layout for mimimal components & routers
β β βββ loader
β β βββ modal
β βββ pages -> View files for all pages
β βββ contexts/redux -> State management
β βββ utils
β β βββ helpers -> helpers utilities
β β βββ hocs -> Custom hocs
β β βββ hooks -> Custom hooks
β β βββ routes -> router
β β βββ theme -> custom theme provider
β β βββ constants -> general app constants
β βββApp.js -> starting point of application
βββ vite.config.js -> Template constant value and live customization
βββ index.html
Slim routing system is based on react-router and its package react-router-dom, it's also using code splitting for better performance.
- Licensed cover under MIT