I am a distribution power system expert with a passion for open-source and scientific software engineering. I am active in open-source projects for power system modeling, simulation, and optimization, as well as in generic projects for data science and numerical computing. I love to program in C++ for high-performance implementation of core algorithms and in Python for data analysis and visualization.
Currently, I am working as Principal Scientist at Alliander N.V., a Dutch distribution system operator (DSO). I am the founder and an active maintainer of the open-source project Power Grid Model (PGM), which aims for high-performance calculation of steady-state distribution power system. The library is beding widely used in academia and industry.
I have a PhD in electrical power engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and I am currently appointed as part-time Assitant Proefessor at TU/e. I am responsible for the lecture Power System Computation and Simulation. The lecture utilizes the GitHub environment for students to learn professional software engineering in the context of power system modelling.