To compile the firmware run:
cmake . && make
To compile the tests run the same commands in the test directory
This assumes that an AVRISP mk2 is used, if you use a different programmer
change the -c
avrdude -p m2560 -B 10 -c avrisp2 -U flash:w:PowerDeliveryBoardSoftware.hex:i
The fuses select the "Ext. Crystal Osc.; Frequency 8.0- MHz; Start-up time: 16K CK + 4.1 ms; [CKSEL=1111 SUT=10]" clock, disables the clock divider, enables the preserve eeprom flag, enables the watchdog timer, enables SPI and disables JTAG and OCD. The brownout detection level is set to 1.8V.
Fusebyte | Value |
Low | 0xEF |
High | 0xC1 |
Extended | 0xFE |
avrdude -p m2560 -B 10 -c avrisp2 -U lfuse:w:0xef:m -U hfuse:w:0xc1:m -U efuse:w:0xfe:m
Under normal use all leds should be either on or blinking. By inverting most states one can be sure that all leds are working.
If only a single led is off for a longer time, there is a some kind of problem.
LED-Number | Meaning |
0 | Alive (blinks regularly) |
1 | Not Watchdog |
2 | Not Brownout |
3 | I²C for VCC OK |
4 | I²C for 5V OK |
5 | VCC (Voltage and Current) OK |
6 | 5V (Voltage and Current) OK |
7 | Unused |
The package is a 8 bit, 4 Channel Package with the following data:
Command | Response |
0 | Voltage VCC in mV / 128 |
1 | Current VCC in mA / 256 |
2 | Voltage 5V in mV / 32 |
3 | Current 5V in mA / 64 |