Making Iconscout's Unicons SVG sets available again, as React components, since the official sources aren't maintained anymore. TypeScript and ref-forwarding are supported.
Based on these:
Install with
npm install @tooni/iconscout-unicons-react
The library provides four entrypoints, corresponding to the styles of Unicons. The default is the 'line' style.
Import them like this:
// equivalent to `import {UilArrowCompressH} from "@tooni/iconscout-unicons-react/line"`
import {UilArrowCompressH} from "@tooni/iconscout-unicons-react"
import {UimAlignRightJustify} from "@tooni/iconscout-unicons-react/monochrome"
import {UisBriefcase} from "@tooni/iconscout-unicons-react/solid"
import {UitRocket} from "@tooni/iconscout-unicons-react/thinline"
A size
and a color
prop are exposed on the icons. Use them in React JSX or TSX like this:
Some Iconscout Unicons: <br/>
<UimAlignRightJustify size={48} color="green" />
<UilArrowCompressH size={48} color="blue" />
<UisBriefcase size={48} color="red" />
<UitRocket size={48} color="brown" />
It could look like this: