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Releases: TownyAdvanced/TownyChat

0.66 for Towny

25 Feb 14:24
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  • Fix for removed TownyFormatter methods, required for Towny and newer.

0.65 for 1.13/1.14/1.15

16 Dec 14:42
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  • Altered behaviour:
    • Previously using the channel command for the channel you're already speaking in would move you to the next default channel,
      or if non was found, the next global channel.
    • Ex: While being in townchat you use "/tc" you could find yourself in globalchat.
    • Now you will be told you're already in the channel you just used the command to enter into.
  • Fixed: GLOBAL channelTypes (default: general and local channels) are no longer formatted by TownyChat if modify_chat.enabled is false.
    • DEFAULT, TOWN, NATION & ALLIANCE types are still formatted by Towny when modify_chat.enable is false.
    • Closes: TownyAdvanced/Towny#3568

0.64 for 1.13/1.14/1.15

11 Dec 19:25
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  • Removed "[Towny] Modes set: " line seen when a player changes channels.

0.63 for 1.13/1.14

14 Nov 13:07
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This build requires Towny do not attempt to use it on older builds.

  • Change: spam_time has been moved from the chatconfig.yml, to the channels.yml
    • You do not have to set a spam_time for each channel, only the ones you want limited.
    • setting spam_time: '0.5' in your general channel will make the global channel behave as normal.
    • default channels.yml has spam_time: '0.5' set for general, town, nation and alliance channels; remaining channels have no spam_time set.
    • in your chatconfig.yml you can remove the "spam_time: '0.5'" line before or after updating.
  • New Permission Node: townychat.spam.bypass
    • Defaults to ops.
    • Bypasses spam check.

0.62 for 1.13/1.14

05 Nov 21:13
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This build requires Towny do not attempt to use it on older builds.

  • New Channel: AllianceChat
    • Requires Towny or newer.
    • Will send messages to every online ally of your nation.
    • Has its own channel_format in the chatconfig.yml.
    • Your channels.yml will need to have an Alliance channel added.
    • Default channels.yml is:
        commands: [ac]
        type: ALLIANCE
        channeltag: '&f[&2AC&f]'
        messagecolour: '&a'
        permission: ''
        range: '-1'

0.61 for 1.13/1.14

01 Nov 18:22
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  • New Config Option: display_modes_set_on_join
    • Default: true
    • If true players will see [Towny] Modes set: general when they log in.

0.60 for 1.13/1.14

28 Oct 12:32
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  • A more-thorough fix for TC still not respecting the cancelling of chat.

0.59 for 1.13/1.14

21 Oct 20:53
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  • Fix {townycolor} not rendering properly for nomads.

0.58 for 1.13/1.14

15 Oct 16:29
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  • Drop API version back to 1.13 because there's a for 1.13 that has the new TownyAPI in it.

0.57 for 1.14

14 Oct 19:13
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  • TownyChat now utilizes the Maven build system.
  • EssentialsX Replaces Essentials for API, Dynmap-API is updated for Dynmap v3.
  • Removed CraftIRC and HeroicDeath as dependencies.
  • Remove ignorecancelled=true from AsyncPlayerChatEvent in order to make TC respect other plugins' cancelling of chat in some places.
  • New ChatConfig option: chat_colour.nomad
    • Default: &f
    • You can now set the {townycolour} for players without a town.
  • Fix missing space following the title in {townyprefix} (when there is no mayor/king prefix present.)
  • Add support for PlaceholderAPI's placeholders in the chatconfig.yml's Channel_format lines.