Releases: Trail-Blaze/dynamite-core
v1.42.7 Beta [PATCH]
Support for Fortnite v15 and over. Added some new API scopes such as user.setting, profileToken.verify and systemConfig
v1.42.6 Beta [PATCH]
- Patch release of v1.42.5. Added better routing and avoids many errors caused without it.
What's Changed
- Fix: hotfixPath is not defined by @zinx-YT in #19
Full Changelog: v1.42.5-pre.3...v1.42.6-pre.4
v1.42.5 Beta [PATCH]
- Patch release of v1.42.5. Added better routing and avoids many errors caused without it.
- Nothing has changed from v1.42.4, besides the better routing.
What's Changed
- Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 by @dependabot in #16
- Change this every update by @zinx-YT in #17
- Season18 :) by @zinx-YT in #18
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: 1.42.4-pre.2...v1.42.5-pre.3
1.42.4 Beta [ PATCH ]
- Patch release of v1.42.3. Added better SSL certificates to better recognize the emulated Epic Games PROD-LIVE domains.
- Nothing has changed from v1.42.3, besides the better SSL certificates (and their validity being extended by 27.3972603 Centuries ) along with them being renamed from
Full Changelog: 1.42.3-pre.1...1.42.4-pre.2
1.42.3 Beta
First ever beta release of Dynamite. At this point we believe that Dynamite is almost ready for release. Dynamite now supports HTTPS along with several other in-house patches and features. At this pace, a launcher for Blaze will not be needed; as the backend does most of the launching for you. The new Blaze Launcher will now be only for Style, External Mods / Blaze-Neonite-Compatible server connections ( yes, Neonite-based servers ARE supported), CUSTOM SPLASH and Ease-of-Access.
- In the first-ever release of the Blaze Launcher, we will NOT NATIVELY SUPPORT DLL patches / bypasses. This will be added in a later version of the launcher and till then support will have to be added by YOU by means of either a third-party launcher, tool, or mod from the Mod Shop
- [ UPCOMING FEATURE ] Option in the new Blaze Launcher to be able to set your own lobby background!
- Chapter 2 Season 5, Season 6 and Season 7 Themes ( Thank you @zinx-YT 😄 )
- HTTPS Support ( NO_DLL Bypass )
- Much much more
- [ FIX_UPCOMING ] Inability to change locker contents.
- [ FIX_UPCOMING ] Inability to purchase items.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.41.3-alpha.7...1.42.3-pre.1
1.41.3 Pre-Release
Added ASCII logo to application. Application now looks like this
What's Changed
New Contributors
- @Sparmage made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: v1.40.3-alpha.6...1.41.3-alpha.7
Just added a couple changes to the server, nothing big or fancy.
Added server capability to print out request methods.
What's Changed
- spell by @Grayson9352 in #10
Full Changelog: V1.40.2-alpha.5...v1.40.3-alpha.6
Version 1.40.2 Patch Pre-Release
Just an under-the-hood patch. Nothing is different and nothing has changed noticeably compared to v1.40.1
Full Changelog: v1.40.0-alpha.3...V1.40.2-alpha.5
Version 1.40.1 Alpha Pre-Release [ STABLE ]
Latest stable pre-release. We've fixed some bugs!
- Server reports
Maximum call stack size exceeded
error. - Inability to change themes.
- Inability to change locker
- Inability to purchase items.
Full Changelog: v1.40.10-alpha.3...v1.40.1-alpha.4
Version 1.40.0 Alpha Pre-Release [ STABLE ]
Latest stable pre-release. Not a concept release anymore. Includes a fixed backend but has bugs.
- Server reports
Maximum call stack size exceeded error
We're working on a fix so don't worry about that. It should not impact server performance in any noticeable way. - Inability to change themes.
- Inability to change locker
- Inability to purchase items.
Full Changelog: v1.40.10-alpha.3...v1.40.0-alpha.3