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N-Tuple Sudoku Constraints


Talking about Sudoku requires some vocabulary for which we'd better be on the same page (pun intended).
We'll go through some of that here.

  • Board: A 9x9 (rank-3) Sudoku board is a collection of 81 cells where each cell belongs to exactly 1 row, 1 column, and 1 box.
  • Rank: A Sudoku of rank n is an n2×n2 square grid, subdivided into n2 boxes (each of size n×n). There are n2 options used to fill out the board.
  • Option: can be represented by any symbols, though typically options are the numbers used to fill a Sudoku board. On a 9x9 board, they are elements of the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
  • Index: The name for a position on the board. On a 9x9 board, the set of indices are {0..80}
  • Cell: An index and a set of options. The set of options for a given cell is an encoding of all the possible options that a position on a board may eventually take. If a cell contains the set {1,4,6,7,8}, that means there are constraints on the board such that any of the other options are invalid. A cell is both a position on a board and a set of options. For a 9x9 board, the cardinality (number of possible options) of a cell is between 1 and 9 (no empty set).
  • Forced/Solved Cell: A cell whose set of options has a cardinality of 1.
  • Group: Predefined collection of cells (row, column, or box).
  • Row/Col/Box: Names for the 3 groups of a typical Sudoku board
  • Peers: cells (specifically indices) that share a group

The One Rule

You have solved a Sudoku puzzle if and only if you

Fill in the whole board using the set of options such that each group contains each option exactly once.


To keep the language and examples from becoming overly verbose, I'm going to assume a rank-3 (9x9) Sudoku board throughout this explanation. There's nothing special about 9x9 Sudoku when it comes to n-tuple constraints and this approach works just as well with any rank Sudoku.

One of the basic approaches to solving a Sudoku puzzle is to search each group (Row, Column, or Box) without regard for the state of the rest of the board. The aim is to split a group into two distinct subgroups such that the two subgroups can safely have no options in common.

There are two approaches that allow you to mechanically find such subgroups. We’ll call these the Naked constraint and the Hidden constraint.

  • If we discover these subgroups using the Naked constraint, we'll call the subgroup discovered a Naked Tuple. The other subgroup is implicitly just the rest of the group.
  • If we discover these subgroups using the Hidden constraint, we'll call the subgroup discovered a Hidden Tuple. The other subgroup is, again, implicitly

I define Naked constraint and Hidden constraint below (In How do Tuples constrain a board?), but it's enlightening to first build some intuition of Naked and Hidden Tuples. Seeing how to find each tuple and understanding that the two are actually duals of one another, further simplifies the definition of these constraints.

Naked N-Tuple described examples

  • Naked 1-Tuple: (Singleton) There is a cell in this group that has only 1 option (the option 2). Therefore, all other cells in this group cannot contain a 2
  • Naked 2-Tuple: (Pair) There are 2 cells that have only some of 2 options (2s or 3s). Therefore, all other cells in this group cannot contain a 2 or a 3.
  • Naked N-Tuple: There are N cells that have only some of N options. Therefore, all other cells in this group cannot contain any of these N options

Hidden N-Tuple described examples

  • Hidden 1-Tuple: There is only 1 cell in this group that may contain a 2, therefore this cell can contain a only 2 (and no other options)
  • Hidden 2-Tuple: There are only 2 cells in this group that contain either a 2 or a 3, therefore these two cells can contain only 2 or 3
  • Hidden N-Tuple: There are only N cells that contain any of these N options, therefore these N cells can contain only these N options

How to find a Naked N-Tuple.

Superset: A set of options a is a superset of another set b if every option in b is also an option in a. So the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} is a superset of every other possible set of options. The set {8} is only a superset of {8} and {} (the empty set). Since cells cannot have a cardinality of zero, that means {8} is only a superset of cells that are solved with the option 8.

You might find a naked tuple if you:

  1. Pick any set of options (They have some cardinality of size n)
  2. Pick any group on the board.
  3. If the set you picked is a superset of exactly n cells in that group, then those n cells form a Naked N-Tuple.

You will find every naked tuple if you do this for

  • Every combination of options that form a set (of which there are 511)
  • Every group (of which there are 27)

How to find a Hidden N-Tuple

Not Disjoint: If the intersection of two sets is inhabited, then they are not disjoint. The intersection of two sets is just the set of elements they have in common.

  • {5,6,7,8,9} and {1,3,5,7,9} are not disjoint because they have this intersection: {5,7,9}
  • {1,2,3} and {4,5,6} are disjoint because their intersection is empty {}.

You might find a hidden tuple if you:

  1. Pick any set of options (They have some cardinality of size n)
  2. Pick any group on the board.
  3. If the set you picked is not disjoint with exactly n cells in that group, then those n cells form a Naked N-Tuple in that group.

You will find every hidden tuple if you do this for

  • Every combination of options that form a set (of which there are 511)
  • Every group (of which there are 27)

What do Naked and Hidden N-Tuples have in common?

When describing how to find a Hidden or Naked Tuple, the process is nearly identical. Intuitively you can use the same algorithm to find both. Moreover, if you look for both at the same time, you don't have to repeat steps 1 and 2 from above.

There is a much stronger relationship between these two constraints. For any value of N, every Naked N Tuple has a corresponding Hidden (9-N) Tuple and vice versa.

For example: the following []s contain a group. Each cell is just an index paired with a set of options (These indices happen to be from a box in the board.)

[ (0  { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (1  {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (2  {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (9  {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (10 {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (11 {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (18 {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (19 {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
, (20 {   2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 })
  • The set {1} with cardinality 1 is not disjoint with exactly 1 cell in this group (The cell with index 0).
  • Therefore: this cell is a hidden 1-tuple in this group.

If that's so, what is the corresponding naked 8-tuple? Well:

  • The set {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} with cardinality 8 is a superset of exactly 8 cells in this group (The cells with indices 1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20).
  • Therefore: these cells are a Naked 8-Tuple in this group.

(A moment's reflection with show that...) This pattern holds for every Hidden and Naked Tuple. Hidden Tuples are the dual of naked Tuples.

If every Naked Tuple has a corresponding Hidden Tuple and vice versa, do we need both?

Strictly speaking, no. They represent the same constraints on the board.

But: when designing an algorithm smaller tuples are better. This is for a few reasons.

  1. If you look for small tuples first, you can narrow the search space while looking for larger tuples. For example: if the cells (2 {34}) & (8 {34}) are a 2-Tuple, then no other n-tuples of size 2, 3, 4, etc in the same group need to search the indices 2 or 8 nor the options 3 or 4. This doesn't work in reverse. Consider if cells (2 {3}) & (8 {34}) are a 2-Tuple, we still want to find the naked 1-tuple (2 {3}) since it would represent a constraint that removes the 3 from (8 {34}).
  2. Tuples can exist in more than one group at a time. If we find a 1-tuple in the first row, this is guaranteed to also be a 1-tuple in a column and a box (Every index has exactly 1 row, 1 column, and 1 box). In a 9x9 board, n-tuples of size 1 always have 3 groups, while n-tuples of size 2 and 3 may have up to 2 groups. Smaller tuples are better because they can be constraints for and narrow the search space in multiple groups at once.
  3. If you look for both Hidden and Naked tuples at once, you can stop looking after you've searched for n-tuples of size 4. Hidden Tuples of sizes 1 to 4 correspond to Naked Tuples of sizes 9 to 5 and vice versa (Naked Tuples of sizes 1 to 4 correspond to Hidden Tuples of sizes 9 to 5)

How do Tuples constrain a board?

An N-Tuple is a set of options with cardinality n, paired with a list of indices of length n.
Each N-Tuple constrains the board in 2 ways:

  1. Naked Constraint: Constrain the cells at each index to be a subset of the set of options.
  2. Hidden Constraint: Constrain the peers of this n-Tuple to be disjoint with the set of options.

In either case, you remove the minimal number of elements possible such that this constraint is met.

The peers of an n-tuple:

  • The peers of a cell are all the other cells that share a group with it. Remember that each cell is part of three groups.
  • The peers of a list of cells are the cells that share a group with with every cell in the list. A tuple must share at least 1 group. The cells with index 0 and 12 have no peers can therefore never be a valid 2-tuple.

Notice the symmetry here:

  1. We find a Naked Tuple by discovering that the first constraint is satisfied and therefore can enforce the second constraint on the board.
  2. We find a Hidden Tuple by discovering that the second constraint is satisfied and therefore can enforce the first constraint n the board.

So while each tuple can enforce both constraints, only one of the constraints will ever change the cells on the board. One of the two constraints will already have been met.

How These Constraints Are Realized in this Project

Representing a Cell

A fast a simple way to encode the set of options for a cell is as an integer bit-field. In the binary representation, each digit represents a true/false value for the question (is n an element of this cell's set).

000000000 is the empty set {} 
000000001 is the set {1} 
000000010 is the set {2} 
000000100 is the set {3} 
000000111 is the set {1,2,3} 
101010101 is the set {1,3,5,7,9} 
111111111 is the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 

Representing a board

A board can be represented by the unconstrained options for each cell. In this way, a starting board constrains each clue as the only option for the given cell and leaves all other options unconstrained. The 0-based indices are all implicit for each cell in this representation.

These representations all describe the same starting board

  • Integer base10
  [ 511,511,8,  32, 64, 2,  511,511,511
  , 16, 511,511,128,511,511,511,256,32
  , 511,32, 4,  511,8,  511,511,511,128
  , 4,  128,2,  1,  511,511,256,32, 511
  , 8,  64, 16, 511,511,511,1,  511,511
  , 256,1,  511,2,  511,8,  16, 511,511
  , 511,511,511,511,511,511,511,2,  256
  , 511,511,1,  511,511,511,64, 8,  4
  , 2,  511,511,511,32, 4,  128,511,1
  • Integer base2:
  [ 111111111,111111111,000001000,000100000,001000000,000000010,111111111,111111111,111111111
  , 000010000,111111111,111111111,010000000,111111111,111111111,111111111,100000000,000100000
  , 111111111,000100000,000000100,111111111,000001000,111111111,111111111,111111111,010000000
  , 000000100,010000000,000000010,000000001,111111111,111111111,100000000,000100000,111111111
  , 000001000,001000000,000010000,111111111,111111111,111111111,000000001,111111111,111111111
  , 100000000,000000001,111111111,000000010,111111111,000001000,000010000,111111111,111111111
  , 111111111,111111111,111111111,111111111,111111111,111111111,111111111,000000010,100000000
  , 111111111,111111111,000000001,111111111,111111111,111111111,001000000,000001000,000000100
  , 000000010,111111111,111111111,111111111,000100000,000000100,010000000,111111111,000000001
  • As sets of options, converted to strings:
  [ "123456789","123456789","4",        "6",        "7",        "2",        "123456789","123456789","123456789"
  , "5",        "123456789","123456789","8",        "123456789","123456789","123456789","9",        "6"
  , "123456789","6",        "3",        "123456789","4",        "123456789","123456789","123456789","8"
  , "3",        "8",        "2",        "1",        "123456789","123456789","9",        "6",        "123456789"
  , "4",        "7",        "5",        "123456789","123456789","123456789","1",        "123456789","123456789"
  , "9",        "1",        "123456789","2",        "123456789","4",        "5",        "123456789","123456789"
  , "123456789","123456789","123456789","123456789","123456789","123456789","123456789","2",        "9"
  , "123456789","123456789","1",        "123456789","123456789","123456789","7",        "4",        "3"
  , "2",        "123456789","123456789","123456789","6",        "3",        "8",        "123456789","1"

The starting board above has 38 easy to spot naked 1 Tuples.

If we consider cells with the option "4", then

  • cell board[2] is a Naked 1 Tuple in Row 0, Column 2, and Box 0.
  • cell board[22] is a naked 1 Tuple in Row 2, Column 4, and Box 1.
  • 3 more 1-Tuples follow this pattern with "4"

If we consider cells with the options "46", then

  • cells board[2]&board[3] are a Naked 2 Tuple in Row 0
  • cells board[2]&board[19] are a Naked 2 Tuple in Box 0
  • cells board[22]&board[76] are a Naked 2 Tuple in Column 3

Lets apply the Naked 1-Tuple constraints to this starting board:

[ "18", "9", "4", "6", "7", "2", "3", "135", "5"
, "5", "2", "7", "8", "13", "1", "234", "9", "6"
, "17", "6", "3", "59", "4", "159", "2", "157", "8"
, "3", "8", "2", "1", "5", "57", "9", "6", "47"
, "4", "7", "5", "39", "389", "689", "1", "38", "2"
, "9", "1", "6", "2", "38", "4", "5", "378", "7"
, "678", "345", "678", "457", "158", "1578", "6", "2", "9"
, "68", "59", "1", "59", "2589", "589", "7", "4", "3"
, "2", "459", "79", "4579", "6", "3", "8", "5", "1"

This would be the output of one iteration of the Naked 1 Tuple algorithm. Aside: This iteration has revealed some Naked 1 Tuples which where not present before, so the Naked 1 Tuple algorithm could be run for another iteration. This project encodes this sort of information using the Stateful abstract data type in Stateful.purs.

Row 4 now has an interesting application of Naked 3-Tuples.
Consider cells with only the options "389":

  • board[39]= "39". board[40] = "389" & board[43] = "38"
  • Every other cell in Row 4 has at least 1 option that isn't a 3, 8 or 9
  • Therefore, no other cells in Row 4 may contain a 3, 8 or 9
  • Therefore, board[41] which currently has "689", can be further constrained to "6"

Remember that every Naked N-Tuple there has a corresponding Hidden 9-N Tuple.
Row 4 has the same application of a Hidden 6-Tuple.
Consider cells with the options "124567"

  • board[n] where n = 36,37,38,41,42,44 are the only cells in Row 4 that have at least one of any of the options 1,2,4,5,6, or 7
  • Therefore, these 6 cells in Row must contain only 1,2,4,5,6, or 7 (and no other options)
  • Therefore, board[41] which currently has "689", can be further constrained to "6"


This is how a group might look for the 0th box in a Sudoku with board-size 9.
This is just made up and not based on the board shown above.

unit = select [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] sudokuBoard ==
  [ 000000001 -- unit[0] == sudokuBoard[0] is a cell that has only 1 of 9 possible symbols as an option
  , 101010101 -- unit[1] == sudokuBoard[1] is a cell that has 5 of 9 possible symbols as an option
  , 000100010 -- unit[2] == sudokuBoard[2]
  , 000111000 -- unit[3] == sudokuBoard[9]
  , 010000000
  , 000110000
  , 000110000
  , 000110000
  , 000110000 -- unit[8] == sudokuBoard[20]

A detour into purescript.

If we consider the unconstrained options in a cell as a set of options, then we can use bitwise operations to describe two important relationships between cells.

isSuperset helps us find Naked N-Tuples

  • Does cell a contain at least every option found in cell b?

Not Disjoint helps us find Hidden N-Tuples

  • Do two cells share any options in common?
  • Is the union of two cells inhabited?

OR is the bitwise OR operation.
AND is the bitwise AND operation.

This is how this might be written in Purescript

  type Cell = Int

  isSuperset:: Cell -> Cell -> Boolean
  isSuperset a b = a OR b == a

  notDisjoint:: Cell -> Cell -> Boolean
  notDisjoint a b = a AND b /= 0

Hidden N Tuples & Naked N Tuples Algorithm

This algorithm works over groups (Rows, Columns, and Boxes), what's described here can be done for each group in turn.

The general flow is to generate actions for every group, and then apply those actions to update the board state. That's one iteration of the algorithm. If you've generated any actions that have updated the board state, then you can run a second iteration of this algorithm on the new board. Aside: In this project, hiddenTuples and nakedTuples are strategies that each describe one iteration and untilStable can re-run any strategy until it doesn't update the board anymore.

The algorithm iterates through possible cells (for board-size of 9, this is integers between 1 and 511), and gets board indices of the group that have a notDisjoint or isSuperset relationship with this cell

Examples from the group shown above:
Integers in these arrays correspond to indices in the board.
In this example, cell 000000001 is:

  • notDisjoint with the cells at indices 0 and 1
  • A superset of a cell at index 0
  unit = select [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] sudokuBoard
  {----- For Reference ---------
         [ 000000001 -- 0
         , 101010101 -- 1 
         , 000100010 -- 2
         , 000111000 -- 9
         , 010000000 -- 10
         , 000110000 -- 11
         , 000110000 -- 18
         , 000110000 -- 19
         , 000110000 -- 20
  [ {cell: 000000001, notDisjoint: [0,1] superset: [0] }
  , {cell: 000000010, notDisjoint: [2] superset: [] }
  , {cell: 000000011, notDisjoint: [0,1,2] superset: [0] }
  , {cell: 000000100, notDisjoint: [1] superset: [] }
  , {cell: 000000101, notDisjoint: [0,1] superset: [0] }
  , ...
  , {cell: 111111110, notDisjoint: [1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] superset: [2,9,10,11,18,19,20] }
  , {cell: 111111111, notDisjoint: [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] superset: [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] }

Here is how we mechanically decide whether we have found a Naked/Hidden N Tuple:

size notDisjoint = length notDisjoint
size superset = length superset
size cell = ... -- number of 1s in binary representation of cell

if size cell == size superset) then -- this is a naked tuple
if ... >= ... superset) then -- I'm not interested 
if ... < ... superset) then -- this board is not valid

if size cell == size notDisjoint) then -- this is a hidden tuple
if ... > ... notDisjoint) then -- this board is not valid
if ... <= ... notDisjoint) then -- I'm not interested

Each tuple found can generate actions that update the board state.

Generating Actions for Naked Tuples:

For all indices that have a naked tuple, drop that option in all other indices for the unit Example Naked 1-Tuple:

  000000001 = superset: [0]
  complement 000000001 = 111111110

Generated Actions:

  • indices of interest is the difference between indices in the unit and indices that superset found
  • indices of interest = [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20] \ [0] == [1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20]
  board[1] = 101010101 AND 111111110 = 101010100
  board[2] = 000100010 AND 111111110 = 000100010
  board[9] = 000111000 AND 111111110 = 000111000
  board[20] = 000110000 AND 111111110 = 000110000


  board[n] = board[n] AND (complement cell)
  n is an index of interest
  cell is the possible combination of options that generated n

Generating Actions for Hidden Tuples:

For all indices that have a hidden tuple, drop all other options at those indices Example Hidden 1-Tuple:

  000000010 = notDisjoint: [2]

Generated Actions:

  • indices of interest are the indices that notDisjoint found
  • indices of interest = [2]
  board[2] = 000100010 AND 000000010 = 000000010


  board[n] = board[n] AND cell
  n is an index of interest
  cell is the possible combination of options that generated n

Standardizing Actions

Actions above were described as mutations to the board.

If we treat board as some global state, this is how we might wright action in Javascript.

  function action(index, cell){ 
    board[index] = board[index] AND cell

The take-away is that two integers (index & cell) are enough to encode any action described above. We can use types to describe an action like this is purescript:

  newtype Index = Index Int
  newtype Cell = Cell Int
  type Action = Tuple Index Cell

Algorithm optimizations

Earlier, when we said smaller tuples where better, these are two optimizations that witnesses that.

Shrink the search-space

Remember when we iterated through all possible cells (integers 1 to 511)? The naive implementation is to iterate through them using their natural ordering under integers.

Yeah, don't do that. Instead, order this by the size of each cell. (Remember that the size of a cell is the number of 1s in its binary representation.)

For a board of size 9, that looks like this:

1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,3,5,6,9,10,12,17,18,20,24,33,34,36,40,48,65,66,68,72,80,96,129,130,132,136,144,160,192,257,258,260,264,272,288,320,384 ... 255,383,447,479,495,503,507,509,510,511

Now searching for Tuples starts with the smallest combinations of options and progresses to larger ones. Because of this ordering, if a tuple is found:

  • Options within the tuple can be ignored when searching for more tuples (Fewer possible cells to iterate through)
  • Indices containing the tuple can be ignored when searching for more tuples (Fewer indices to check for hidden tuples)
  • Cells with size larger than the size of the remaining indices can be ignored
  • Since possible cells are ordered by size, finding one such cell means the rest can also be ignored
  • Early break effectively means fewer possible cells to iterate through

Free Naked N-Tuples

You can also get some Naked Tuples for free while running the either Tuple algorithm For example:

  • If a row finds a hidden 2 Tuple and both indices are in the same box
  • Then those two indices describe a Naked 2 Tuple for the box. If you don't take the Free Naked 2 Tuple described in this example, The next iteration will discover it as a Hidden 7 Tuple. Duplicating the work being done.

In general, if the indices of an N-Tuple from one unit are all peers in any other unit, then they are a Naked N Tuple in that other unit.