Releases: TriliumNext/Notes
💡 Key highlights
- Quite a few mobile improvements have been done (kindly waiting for bug reports)
- On mobile the horizontal layout (with the launcher bar displayed at the top of the screen instead of on the left side) is now enforced.
- This allows for more real estate for the content of the note and simplifies the mobile layout.
- The launch bar has also been moved at the bottom, to be inline with modern application layouts.
- Restructured the tree as a sidebar which is triggered via a button on the left side of the title bar.
- The sidebar can also be triggered by swiping to the right on the left side of the screen. Still some quirks to address on both iOS and Android due to their weird back button gesture.
- Improved the positioning of the bottom bar and of the editor toolbar.
- Tabs have been enabled. Currently we are using the same implementation as on desktop, which might have a few quirks on mobile.
- Jump to note is now available.
- The mobile view now has its own launch bar configuration with its own launch bar buttons. For now only a few have been enabled. Feel free to request any button from the desktop should you require it.
- Now it's possible to insert footnotes in CKEditor, thanks to a fork of ThomasAitken/ckeditor5-footnotes.
- It's also possible to create inline Mermaid diagrams into text notes.
- On mobile the horizontal layout (with the launcher bar displayed at the top of the screen instead of on the left side) is now enforced.
Known issues
- On mobile, opening in a new tab activates the new tab but does not refresh the tab bar.
🐞 Bugfixes
Prevent HTML from rendering in launcher bar.
Note tree context menu not shown on long press on iOS.
Advanced tree menu is only accessible in the mobile view via long-press
NotFoundError after trying to paste filepath into note, restart required
login: fix "flash of unstyled content" by @pano9000
fix ck-editor checkboxes not showing checkmark while printing by @pano9000
✨ Improvements
Mobile improvements
- Translucent top bar mobile layout on iOS
- Display formatting toolbar above keyboard.
- Grouped the font selection by font type (sans-serif, monospace, etc.).
- Added an option to use the system font (e.g. “Segoe UI” for Windows).
Display the content of JSON attachments and improve the style of attachment code blocks.
Translucent top bar on desktop layout for iPad
'Show Help' and 'About Trillium Notes' menu options are now available in the mobile view
Back/forward buttons have been enabled for web builds as well, mostly for mobile view.
login: add Trilium icon and improve style by @pano9000
allow disabling mention autocomplete by pressing escape (forward port of @zadam’s work)
Added back ESLint support for backend notes
Exporting JavaScript code blocks in text notes to Markdown now sets the right language tag.
🌍 Internationalization
- Spanish translation improvements by @hasecilu
- Chinese translation improvements by @Nriver
- make tags translatable by @pano9000
- make duplicate notes suffix translatable by @pano9000
- improve translatability of database_backed_up_to string by @pano9000
- translate some buttons in the note tree
- translate a few note map buttons
⬆️ Technical Improvements
Library updates
force-graph to v1.47.2
@highlightjs/cdn-assets to v11.11.1
typedoc to v0.27.6
jquery.fancytree to v2.38.4
katex to v0.16.19
@types/node to v22.10.5
marked to v15.0.5
mind-elixir to v4.3.6
better-sqlite3 to v11.8.0
CKEditor to 41.3.2
jsdom to v26
i18next to v24.2.1
draggabilly to v3.0.0
electron to 33.3.1.
Node.js for Docker containers: v22.13.0
ts-loader: v9.5.2
use named exports for the utils functions by @pano9000
use Set instead of Arrays for faster lookups by @pano9000
remove unused 'request' by @pano9000
utils/formatDownloadTitle: simplify function by @pano9000
remove unused tree-kill dependency by @pano9000
Add timezone and localtime mounts to docker-compose by @perfectra1n
login: simplify JS by @pano9000
set password: various smaller fixes by @pano9000
use ejs partial for injecting window.glob by @pano9000
add prettier as devDep and scripts by @pano9000
add override for *.json tab width to match .editorconfig by @pano9000
update deprecated electron packages by @pano9000
Add server logging for CKEditor state changes by @process
refactor(data_dir): simplify logic and make code robust and testable by @pano9000
replace csurf with csrf-csrf by @pano9000
refactor(backend_log): improve getBackendLog by @pano9000
fix(views): replace deprecated meta tag by @pano9000
🐞 Bugfixes
- Can not toggle notes by clicking on the note's icon in the navigation bar
- Cannot arrow down to "full search" when no search results are returned in quick search
- Toolbar tooltips no longer shown
- Two help pages will be opened when the help button is clicked
✨ Improvements
- fix typo Trillium by @pano9000
- Libraries in Excalidraw are broken by @CobriMediaJulien
- Color scheme selection by @adoriandoran
- Style Next: Restyle the "Jump to Note" dialog by @adoriandoran
- Exporting a Markdown file will now try to preserve syntax highlighting
- Auto-show left panel when configuring launchbar
- Accessibility: explicitly associate label and input elements by @pano9000
🌍 Internationalization
- Spanish improvements by @hasecilu
- localize hardcoded English aria-labels by @pano9000
- Translate new note title
⬆️ Library updates
- typedoc: v0.27.5
- highlightjs: v11.11.0
- marked: v15.0.4
- express-rate-limit to v7.5.0
- chokidar: 4.0.3
- katex: v0.16.18
- sanitize-html: v2.14.0
- webpack-cli: v5.1.4 → v6.0.1
- i18next: v24.2.0
- @braintree/sanitize-url: v7.1.1
💡 Key highlights
The launcher bar can now be placed at the top instead of the left of the screen, with a full-width tab bar. See #654 for more information.
A new theme is introduced called “TriliumNext" by @adoriandoran and @eliandoran. Settings on this theme are now displayed in a card layout. Redesigned tree action buttons.
Native title bar buttons when native title bar is off for Windows and macOS.
On Windows, on the TriliumNext theme there are window transparency effects if running under Windows, see Mica (Windows transparency effects) for screenshots. Unfortunately, it is plagued by a few bugs with Electron (the library we are using for the desktop application), see the link for more information.
Updated Docker builds to Node 22. Be on the lookout for any potential issues, especially for less-tested platforms such as ARM.
🐞 Bugfixes
To do lists not preserved on safe import.
✨ Improvements
Use CodeMirror for backend log
Support for ELK layout in Mermaid diagrams (sponsored by @perfectra1n). See the relevant “ELK layout engine” in Mermaid diagrams for more information.
Importing single HTML file: prefer html title over filename by @maphew
user configurable list of allowed html tags in import by @maphew
General HTML support; now the editor supports more HTML tags and displays them appropriately.
- Currently the import function is the only way to benefit from them, or modifying the source code manually by changing the note type.
Change default icons for “Go to Previous Note” and “Go to next note” launcher buttons.
Move toggle sidebar button near tab bar on horizontal layout.
Mind map notes now are full-width by default (same as Canvas, for example).
Tabs can now display the icon notes instead of only workspace icons (this is the default behaviour of the TrilumNext theme, can be added to any other theme via
--tab-note-icons: true;
). -
Display the fixed toolbar on multiple lines (adjustable in settings)
🌍 Internationalization
Chinese translation improvements (& some new messages translated) by @Nriver
Translate import toast messages.
Translate hidden notes (including options).
Romanian improvements.
Brazillian Portuguese by @Nertonm work in progress (only server translations for now)
Translate note autocomplete.
⬆️ Library updates
- i18next, i18next-http-backend, i18next-fs-backend
- force-graph v1.47.0
- express 4.2.12
- mermaid 11.4.1
- axios 1.7.9
- katex 0.16.14
- https-proxy-agent 7.0.6
- better-sqlite3 11.6.0
- electron 31.3.1 -> 33.2.1
- jimp 0.22.12 -> 1.6.0
- mind-elixir 4.3.3
- Development tools
- electron-forge
- Docker Node.js updated to v20.18.1
- GitHub Actions workflow actions
- webpack v5.97.1
- TypeScript + types
- yargs
- helmet
- marked 15.0.3
- is-svg 5.1.0
- image-type 5.2.0
- eslint v9.16.0
- jsdom v25.0.1
- compression v1.7.5
💡 Key highlights
- Now it is possible to have a fixed toolbar for editing text notes instead of the standard floating one, see Classic editor for text notes (with fixed toolbar) for more information.
- Syntax highlight in code blocks in editable and read-only text notes (via Highlight.js), heavily based on antoniotejada's Trilium-SyntaxHighlightWidget.
Changes since the last beta release
🐞 Bugfixes
- Shell (Bash) Syntax Highlight
- 0 Max content width causes editor issues
- Share icon not visible in note icon picker
✨ Improvements
- Add find & replace button to fixed toolbar
- Add more link protocol support by @SiriusXT
- Add a text replacement feature to the find_widget by @SiriusXT
- Replace the editor type combo box with radio buttons by @adoriandoran
- Add box icons to note menu & attachments by @SiriusXT
- Improve the "Existing backups" section by @adoriandoran
- Trigger full text search when Ctrl + Enter is pressed in note autocomplete by @SiriusXT
- Improve context menus (+ Replace (?) with information icon) by @adoriandoran
- Add Options Launcher
- Change note clone icon indicator from star to link icon
- Add "Reopen last tab" and "Copy tab to new window" to tab management by @SiriusXT
🌍 Internationalization
- Improved Spanish translations by @hasecilu
- Improved German translations by @j13055
- Improve note revision wording and consistency by @meichthys
⬆️ Library updates and technical improvements
From v0.90.11-beta
🐞 Bugfixes
- Double input after spaces on Android
- Hyperlinks with custom protocols not working by @SiriusXT
- Internal Link: Two Tooltips are displayed
- Fixed loading of syntax highlighting themes for server and Docker builds.
✨ Improvements
- Insert inline images in text notes (also grouped the image alignment buttons in subcategories since there were too many of them).
- Explicitly manage the "latest" tag, and have it point to the same tag as "stable" by @perfectra1n
- Make attachments open in a new tab/browser by @SiriusXT
- mouse scroll wheel direction for zoom level by @rom1dep
- Apply syntax highlight to preview of code notes as well.
- More reliably check for version updates by @perfectra1n
- README improvements by @perfectra1n
🌍 Internationalization
- Preliminary support for the German language by @j13055
- Improved French translations by @Potjoe-97
- Improved Spanish translations by @hasecilu
⬆️ Library updates
- mind-elixir: 4.2.4 -> 4.3.1
- client: force-graph: 1.45.0 -> 1.46.0
From v0.90.10-beta
🐞 Bugfixes
- Code note overlapping with note list.
- Fix error when running a script in 0.90.9-beta.
- Font section in Appearance settings blinking when settings were being updated.
- Crop fileName and prevent cutting into the extension / Canvas note exported to html can't be view due to title name is 13-15 digits long by @SiriusXT
- Duplicate note count in delete relation modal.
- Docnotes (e.g. launcher configuration descriptions) not showing on Electron/desktop builds.
✨ Improvements
- Adjustable word-wrap for code blocks in text notes.
- Adjustable theme for code blocks in text notes, plus slightly improved design.
- The application should now be more highly tolerant to errors caused by custom widgets and scripts, not causing the UI to also crash (see #511).
- Close tabs to the right by @SiriusXT
- Automatically trigger autocomplete on focus by @SiriusXT
🌍 Internationalization
- Translate weekday and month names for daily notes.
- Update server translations when switching language.
- Translate search note prefix.
- Translate sync test messages.
⬆️ Library updates
- mind-elixir: 4.2.3 → 4.2.4
- mermaid: 11.3.0 → 11.4.0
- i18next: 23.16.2 -> 23.16.4
- and other internal development tooling updates.
From v0.90.9-beta
🐞 Bugfixes
- Promoted boolean attributes no long showing checkbox when the value is true
- Import of .htm keeps htm in title while html does not
✨ Improvements
- Syntax highlighting in read-only mode code notes (also for “View source”).
- Server 404 logs are now one-line instead of a full stack trace
🌍 Internationalization
- Translated the toast notifications, errors and confirmation boxes.
- Translated the launcher context menu.
⬆️ Library updates
- i18next: 23.16.0 -> 23.16.2
- mind-elixir: 4.2.0 -> 4.2.2
- vanilla-js-wheel-zoom: 9.0.2 -> 9.0.4
- cookie-parser: 1.4.6 → 1.4.7
- image-type: 4.1.0 → 5.2.0
- express, express-rate-limit, express-session updated to latest.
- cookie-parser: 1.4.6 → 1.4.7
- marked: 14.1.2 → 14.1.3
- sanitize-html: 2.13.0 → 2.13.1
- force-graph: 1.43.5 → 1.45.0
- and others (jasmine, debounce)
💡 Key highlights
- Now it is possible to have a fixed toolbar for editing text notes instead of the standard floating one, see Classic editor for text notes (with fixed toolbar) for more information.
🐞 Bugfixes
- Double input after spaces on Android
- Hyperlinks with custom protocols not working by @SiriusXT
- Internal Link: Two Tooltips are displayed
- Fixed loading of syntax highlighting themes for server and Docker builds.
✨ Improvements
- Insert inline images in text notes (also grouped the image alignment buttons in subcategories since there were too many of them).
- Explicitly manage the "latest" tag, and have it point to the same tag as "stable" by @perfectra1n
- Make attachments open in a new tab/browser by @SiriusXT
- mouse scroll wheel direction for zoom level by @rom1dep
- Apply syntax highlight to preview of code notes as well.
- More reliably check for version updates by @perfectra1n
- README improvements by @perfectra1n
🌍 Internationalization
- Preliminary support for the German language by @j13055
- Improved French translations by @Potjoe-97
- Improved Spanish translations by @hasecilu
⬆️ Library updates
- mind-elixir: 4.2.4 -> 4.3.1
- client: force-graph: 1.45.0 -> 1.46.0
There appear to be some issues with the loading of code block themes for server and Docker builds. They will be fixed in the next beta.
💡 Key highlights
- Syntax highlight in code blocks in editable and read-only text notes (via Highlight.js), heavily based on @antoniotejada's Trilium-SyntaxHighlightWidget. See #526 for more information.
🐞 Bugfixes
- Code note overlapping with note list.
- Fix error when running a script in 0.90.9-beta.
- Font section in Appearance settings blinking when settings were being updated.
- Crop fileName and prevent cutting into the extension / Canvas note exported to html can't be view due to title name is 13-15 digits long by @SiriusXT
- Duplicate note count in delete relation modal.
- Docnotes (e.g. launcher configuration descriptions) not showing on Electron/desktop builds.
✨ Improvements
- Adjustable word-wrap for code blocks in text notes.
- Adjustable theme for code blocks in text notes, plus slightly improved design.
- The application should now be more highly tolerant to errors caused by custom widgets and scripts, not causing the UI to also crash (see #511).
- Close tabs to the right by @SiriusXT
- Automatically trigger autocomplete on focus by @SiriusXT
🌍 Internationalization
- Translate weekday and month names for daily notes.
- Update server translations when switching language.
- Translate search note prefix.
- Translate sync test messages.
⬆️ Library updates
- mind-elixir: 4.2.3 → 4.2.4
- mermaid: 11.3.0 → 11.4.0
- i18next: 23.16.2 -> 23.16.4
- and other internal development tooling updates.
🐞 Bugfixes
- Promoted boolean attributes no long showing checkbox when the value is true
- Import of .htm keeps htm in title while html does not
✨ Improvements
- Syntax highlighting in read-only mode code notes (also for “View source”).
- Server 404 logs are now one-line instead of a full stack trace
🌍 Internationalization
- Translated the toast notifications, errors and confirmation boxes.
- Translated the launcher context menu.
⬆️ Library updates
- i18next: 23.16.0 -> 23.16.2
- mind-elixir: 4.2.0 -> 4.2.2
- vanilla-js-wheel-zoom: 9.0.2 -> 9.0.4
- cookie-parser: 1.4.6 → 1.4.7
- image-type: 4.1.0 → 5.2.0
- express, express-rate-limit, express-session updated to latest.
- cookie-parser: 1.4.6 → 1.4.7
- marked: 14.1.2 → 14.1.3
- sanitize-html: 2.13.0 → 2.13.1
- force-graph: 1.43.5 → 1.45.0
- and others (jasmine, debounce)
v0.90.8 is a stable build, containing all the improvements of the previous beta releases, which will be listed here is as well.
💡 Key highlights
- A new note type was introduced called “Mind Map” using the MindElixir library.
- Sync version has been increased from 32 to 33 to prevent issues with mindmap notes. This means that the server also needs to be updated to this version, otherwise sync will be refused.
- Internationalization support (Spanish, Chinese, Romanian, French).
- Various bugfixes (see below).
New to v0.90.8
🐞 Bugfixes
✨ Improvements
🌍 Internationalization
- Added French translations by @Potjoe-97
- Translation improvements for Spanish by @hasecilu
- Translation improvements for Chinese by @Nriver
- Improved coverage for Romanian.
⬆️ Library updates
- mind-elixir: 4.1.5 -> 4.2.0
- i18next: 23.15.2 -> 23.16.0
From v0.90.7-beta
🐞 Bugfixes
- Insert Math appears to be broken
- Override the z-index of Bootstrap tooltips by dousha
- Clicking an entry in the calendar opens the note twice
- mindmap note suddenly show with file note
- Import md with jpeg: broken jpeg by
✨ Improvements
- Icon improvements by @SiriusXT.
- Open in file manager of Trilium's data directory by @SiriusXT.
- i18n Fallback to English for null characters by @SiriusXT.
- Use matrix strategy for CI/CD (Alpine is back!) by @perfectra1n.
- Floating buttons can be displayed again after being closed by @SiriusXT.
- Revisions number limit by @SiriusXT .
- Searching with orderBy doesn't work with dated attributes by @jaimeferj
- Use the electron Clipboard module when using "Copy image to clipboard" by @perfectra1n.
- MIME type not being used when creating new note correctly, upon zip import by @perfectra1n.
- fix blurry PWA icon by @quantum5
🌍 Internationalization
- Translated more of the client (e.g. note types, tree context menu, switches in the ribbon).
- Started translating the server (e.g. first setup, keyboard actions, shared pages).
- Improved coverage for Spanish by @hasecilu.
- Improved coverage for Chinese by @Nriver.
- Improved coverage for Romanian.
Library updates
- Upgrade bootstrap from v4 to v5 by @JYC333
- Mermaid: 10.9.1 → 11.3.0
- Mind Elixir: 4.0.5 → 4.1.5
- JSDOM: 24.1.1 → 25.0.0
- Day.js: 1.11.12 → 1.11.13
- ESLint: 9.9.0 → 9.10.0
- Marked: 13.0.2 → 14.1.2
- Ini: 4.1.3 -> 5.0.0
- Axios: 1.7.2 → 1.7.7
- i18next: 23.14.0 → 23.15.2
- express 4.19.2 → 4.21.0
- better-sqlite3: 11.1.2 → 11.3.0
- and other development tools.
From v0.90.6-beta
- Adds back the
container image
From v0.90-5-beta
🌍 Internationalization
Preliminary support for internationalization has been added, thanks to the efforts of @Nriver. More specifically, the following languages now have a partial translation:
Note that only the client has been translated so far and there are still a lot of tasks to handle before the application is fully translated.
💡 New note type: Mind map
Mind maps are usually a fast method to write down ideas and do brainstorming with a team. TriliumNext introduces this new note type with the help of Mind Elixir, an open-source library.
Note that the integration is still in its infancy, so there might be bugs and a lack of feature until it is stabilized. The library itself supports quite a few features that are not implemented yet in Trilium: math expressions using KaTeX, images, links. Those might be implemented along the way, provided they are needed by users.
Note: For the note type to fully work (such as shared notes), it is ideal to update the server instance as well, if you are using one.
⚙️ Builds
The internal build tooling has been updated, resulting in the following changes:
- For macOS users there is now a
installation method as well.@JYC333
- There is also an ARM-native version for macOS that can be used, however it will require additional steps to get it running due to the lack of notarization (to bypass the “TriliumNext” is damaged error).
- For both Windows and Linux we now have
builds as well.- Please note these versions are not being actively tested due to lack of equipment, so feel free to raise any issues you might be encountering.
On the Docker side, brought back Alpine-based Docker containers for amd64 by @perfectrain.
🐞 Bugfixes
v0.90.4 docker does not read USER_UID and USER_GID from environment
Invisible scrollbar on Firefox
Focus not set to input field when clicking
Include Note
from Block Editor -
'A JavaScript error occurred in the main process' when launching Trilium (improved error handling).
Note Tooltip isn't removed when clicking on internal trilium link in read-only mode
Calendar dropdown won't close if click/right-click other button that open notes from launcher bar
✨ Improvements
- Improved the calendar button in the launch bar, adding support for easier month and year selection.
- Make first day of week configurable (supports Sunday and Monday)
- Can be adjusted in Options → Appearance → Localization → First day of the week.
- The option is synced with the server and the client updates immediately.
- Removed hard-coded libraries such as FancyTree and Bootstrap. This will later allow us to upgrade to the latest versions. @JYC333
- Hide Electron-specific settings in the web version
- Add a toggle to promote the current note to a template
- Disable share toggle when in options
- Open New window from taskbar by @SiriusXT
- Pressing F2 to edit the branch prefix will now work only in the note tree to avoid issues with other interactive elements such as the mind map, but also since the option itself is not the most used ones to require a global shortcut.
⚠️ Important notes
- 0.90.5-beta & 0.90.6-beta have an incompatibility with older sync servers if using mind maps, causing them to get turned to a file. If you are impacted by this, see mindmap note suddenly show with file note.
- Sync version has been increased from 32 to 33 to prevent issues with mindmap notes. This means that the server also needs to be updated to this version, otherwise sync will be refused.
- If you are using the server build with a custom entrypoint (instead of running
), make sure to change./node/bin/node src/www
to./node/bin/node src/main
. See #483 for more information.
🐞 Bugfixes
- Insert Math appears to be broken
- Override the z-index of Bootstrap tooltips by @dousha
- Clicking an entry in the calendar opens the note twice
- mindmap note suddenly show with file note
- Import md with jpeg: broken jpeg by @perfectra1n
✨ Improvements
- Icon improvements by @SiriusXT
- Open in file manager of Trilium's data directory by @SiriusXT
- i18n Fallback to English for null characters by @SiriusXT
- Use matrix strategy for CI/CD (Alpine is back!) by @perfectra1n
- Floating buttons can be displayed again after being closed by @SiriusXT
- Revisions number limit by @SiriusXT
- Searching with orderBy doesn't work with dated attributes by @jaimeferj
- Use the electron Clipboard module when using "Copy image to clipboard" by @perfectra1n
- fix blurry PWA icon by @quantum5
🌍 Internationalization
- Translated more of the client (e.g. note types, tree context menu, switches in the ribbon).
- Started translating the server (e.g. first setup, keyboard actions, shared pages).
- Improved coverage for Spanish by @hasecilu
- Improved coverage for Chinese by @Nriver
- Improved coverage for Romanian.
Library updates
- Upgrade bootstrap from v4 to v5 by @JYC333
- Mermaid: 10.9.1 → 11.3.0
- Mind Elixir: 4.0.5 → 4.1.5
- JSDOM: 24.1.1 → 25.0.0
- Day.js: 1.11.12 → 1.11.13
- ESLint: 9.9.0 → 9.10.0
- Marked: 13.0.2 → 14.1.2
- Ini: 4.1.3 -> 5.0.0
- Axios: 1.7.2 → 1.7.7
- i18next: 23.14.0 → 23.15.2
- express 4.19.2 → 4.21.0
- better-sqlite3: 11.1.2 → 11.3.0
- and other development tools.
Merge pull request #327 from TriliumNext/JYC333-patch-1 Create nightly release action