WARNING: installation from GitHub repository is recommended
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
click on grsdata to download and save in your desired path (your_GRSDATA_PATH)
conda activate "name of your conda env"
Python >= 3.9 is recommended, example:
conda create python=3.10 -n grs_v2 conda activate grs_v2
Then, install python dependencies:
conda install -c conda-forge eoreader cdsapi netCDF4 docopt xmltodict numba
Set the config.yml
path: grsdata: your_GRSDATA_PATH
Finally, install grs with:
pip install .
After installation, you can type:
grs -h
You should see something like:
Executable to process Sentinel-2 L1C images for aquatic environment Usage: grs <input_file> [--cams_file file] [-o <ofile>] [--odir <odir>] [--resolution res] [--scale_aot factor] [--levname <lev>] [--no_clobber] [--allpixels] [--surfwater file] [--dem_file file] [--snap_compliant] grs -h | --help grs -v | --version Options: -h --help Show this screen. -v --version Show version. <input_file> Input file to be processed --cams_file file Absolute path of the CAMS file to be used (mandatory) -o ofile Full (absolute or relative) path to output L2 image. --odir odir Ouput directory [default: ./] --levname lev Level naming used for output product [default: L2Agrs] --no_clobber Do not process <input_file> if <output_file> already exists. --resolution=res spatial resolution of the scene pixels --allpixels force to process all pixels whatever they are masked (cloud, vegetation...) or not --surfwater file Absolute path of the surfwater geotiff file to be used --dem_file file Absolute path of the DEM geotiff file (already subset for the S2 tile) --scale_aot factor scaling factor applied to CAMS aod550 raster [default: 1] --opac_model name Force the aerosol model (OPAC) to be 'name' (choice: ['ARCT_rh70', 'COAV_rh70', 'DESE_rh70', 'MACL_rh70', 'URBA_rh70']) --snap_compliant Export output to netcdf aligned with "beam" for ESA SNAP software Example: grs /data/satellite/S2/L1C/S2B_MSIL1C_20220731T103629_N0400_R008_T31TFJ_20220731T124834.SAFE --cams_file /data/satellite/S2/cnes/CAMS/2022-07-31-cams-global-atmospheric-composition-forecasts.nc --resolution 60 For CNES datalake: grs /work/datalake/S2-L1C/31TFJ/2023/06/16/S2B_MSIL1C_20230616T103629_N0509_R008_T31TFJ_20230616T111826.SAFE --cams_file /work/datalake/watcal/ECMWF/CAMS/2023/06/16/2023-06-16-cams-global-atmospheric-composition-forecasts.nc --odir /work/datalake/watcal/test --resolution 20 --dem_file /work/datalake/static_aux/MNT/COP-DEM_GLO-30-DGED_S2_tiles/COP-DEM_GLO-30-DGED_31TFJ.tif