The TruenoDB distributed computation server.
Trueno Compute Server Trueno Compute Server relies on Spark Job Server, and GraphX.
- Page Rank Algorithm.
- Connected Components.
- Strongly Connected Components.
- Triangle Counting.
We designed an algorithm generator. The architecture includes connectivity to a key value store in which the parameters of new algorithms will be stored. The algorithm generator will create the algorithms-release.jar that will be uploaded into the Spark Job Server in order to receive REST requests. The results will be stored in the Database (e.g. Apache Cassandra, Scylla).
All algorithms run on top of graph G=(V,E)
Algorithm type | Algortihm Set |
Clustering | triangles, transitivity, clustering, average_clustering, [trials] |
Centrality | Degree, Closeness, Betweenness, Flow-Closeness [k, normalized, u, distance, ...] |
Clique | find_cliques, make_clique_bipartite, number_of_cliques, [nodes, cliques] |
Communities | k_clique_communities, [k, cliques] |
Approximation | Clique, Clustering, Domaninating Set, IS, VC |
Components | Connectivity, Strong Connectivity, Weak Connectivity |
Connectivity | Flow Based Connectivity, Minimum Cuts, [s, t, u, v] |
Cycles | simple cycles, [root] |
DAG | ancestors, descendants, topological sort, is DAG? [source, ...] |