Choropleth map of unemployment 2006 to 2015
Key features of this map include:
- slider bar for changing year
- pop-up box when hovering over counties (box displays county name and unemployment rate), and legend year that updates based on the year chosen by the slider bar.
- Load two external files, a GeoJSON and a CSV, at runtime.
- Process these data, binding attribute data to geometries.
- Draw a classed choropleth map of unemployment rates for US counties using an appropriate classification method, e.g., ckmeans or quantile, or quartile and a sequential color scheme.
- Draw an accompanying legend with an appropriate legend title and class break labels.
- Display the map at 100% width and height of the browser window's viewport.
- Allow the user to zoom and pan.
- Provide a meaningful title for the map, placed upon the map.
- In addition to these requirements, your map should also provide the following UI enhancements for the user:
- A visual affordance when the user hovers over specific counties (e.g., making the stroke of the county yellow).
- A tooltip triggered when the user clicks on a specific county, which provides the name of the county and the specific unemployment rate for the currently displayed year.