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This documentation is based on the version 2.1.1 of this package. If you are using an older version of this package I recommend you to update it. Btw, the doc of older versions are on: https://github.com/Tsukiapp/MAL-scrapper/blob/main/src/%40deprecated/readme.md
- ✅ Fetch info about anime
- Search animes and extract their information instantly, direct from myanimelist.
- ✅ Fecth seasonal animes
- Fetch the top 50 animes in this season.
- ✅ Get news
- Fetch the latest news from myanimelist, preview and full detailed.
- ✅ Fetch top animes
- Fetch the top 50 animes.
import AnimeClass from "Tsukiapp-mal-scrapper";
// Intialize the class:
const Anime = new AnimeClass();
//getAnimeInfo(keyword: string, type: string)
// -> type could be either: 'anime' and 'manga'
const JujutsuKaisenInfo = await Anime.getAnimeInfo('Jujutsu%20Kaisen','anime');
return -> {
title: string
score: string
description: string
coverImage: string,
thumbnailImage: string,
images: string[],
characters: Object[]
//getNewsDetails(newsPreviewUrl: getNewsPreview, id: string)
// -> id must be the ID of the new and getNewsPreview function as a parameter:
let newDetailed = await Anime.getNewsDetails(getNewsPreview, '63779601');
return -> {
contentTitle: string,
contentImage: string,
contentDescription: string
let newPreview = await Anime.getNewsPreview();
return -> [{
ID: number,
newsID: string,
newsTitle: string,
newsDescription: string,
newsThumbnail: string,
newsDate: string
let seasonalAnime = await Anime.getSeasonalInfo();
return -> [{
Id: number (autogenerated is not the anime's ID),
link: string,
title: string,
producer: string,
images, string[],
genre: sring,
description: string,
score: string but can parsed into number -> maybe later,
members: string
let topAnime = await Anime.getTopAnime();
return -> [{
thumbnailImage: string,
url: string,
title: string,
stats: string
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Tsukiapp/MAL-scrapper.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd MAL-scrapper
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Build
$ npm run build
# Run the app
$ npm run start
This software uses the following open source packages:
The source code of this project is under the MIT license
GitHub @Tsukiapp. Github @alejandro0619.