The token of
Vesting contract which has lock period, cliff period and vesting period
Ex; 6 months lock, monthly vest over 6 years
tgePercent = 0, lockDuration = 6 month(in sec), cliffDuration = 0 month(in sec), vestingDuration = 6 year(in sec)
Ex; 10% TGE, 2 month cliff, 4 month vesting
tgePercent = 10, lockDuration = 0 month(in sec), cliffDuration = 2 month(in sec), vestingDuration = 4 month(in sec)
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <Network>
Deployed to (testnet):
TUK token -
Vesting -
npx hardhat verify --network <Network> <Address>