Analysis of 95K+ configurations of the Linux kernel
- pre-requisite is:
(build error logs from cid=30000 to cid=100000, only for build failures: a few gigabytes): available here
(build error logs from cid=100000 to cid=127000, only for build failures: a few megabytes): available here
(configuration data from cid=30000 to cid=127000, each row is a configuration with build status and options): available here
- ClusterAnalysis.ipynb: cluster analysis and statistical learning about options
- TUXML*.ipynb
- sensitivity analysis of decision tree and rules extraction facilitiy
- clustering attempts
- pdf files are generated out of notebook scripts, we push them for convenience/reviewing
We have a database out of which we can extract/encode some data. The following scripts serve this purpose.
script to extract configuration data from database (CSV file, only configuration and compilation status/sizes)
- the script can be parameterized with From and To (cids to start and top).
- normally you don't need to use it and beware it's bandwith/time consuming.
- we use it to extract different CSVs that are then assembled into one
see also for getting data using git-lfs
script to assemble CSV files into one (aggregation), export using the pickle format (
- TUXML-analysis.ipynb: learning and some exploration of bugs out of
pre-requisite: downloadconfig_bdd30-100.pkl
- bdd-tuxml-facility: database facilities (e.g., logs) typically to analyze configuration (failures)
- TUXML-basic.ipynb: learning and some exploration of bugs (out of config_10K.csv, see below)
- if you want to process config_50K.csv, just change
TUXML_CSV_FILENAME= './config_bdd10K.csv'
- there is also a part about kernel sizes, but it's out of the scope right now
- if you want to process config_50K.csv, just change