Scripts to help set up piCore (wifi ssh access) completely headless
Based on PiCore 11.0beta1a See: And:
- make serial console login work
- get wifi up
- automate a couple of steps that would otherwise require a keyboard and screen
Works with: Tested and developed with a Zero W and a 3B+ using piCore 11.0beta1a
Intents: To be easily adopted to other piCore versions and Raspberry Pi models
Requirements: Completely headless setup is meant as: never (ever) is it nescessary to connect a screen and keyboard to the Pi to set it up the way you need to. You will need a computer and internet connection to download piCore, write the images to an SD card, and modify/add a couple of files on the SD card after writing the image.
General procedure (some steps optional depending on need for wireless or serial console access or both):
- Download piCore
- Get the required .tcz extensions needed for wireless networking
- Write the downloaded image to an SD card
- Mount the first partition (the boot partition)
- Modify config.txt and cmdline[3].txt
- Add and setup the 'pre' directory to boot partition (this contains the scripts that will run on first boot)
- Copy the required .tcz extensions to the boot partition
- Creat a wpa_supplicant.conf file on the boot partition
- On first boot: partition 2 will be resized, initramfs remastered, tcz's for wireless copied to partition 2, wireless network joining setup.
- After a reboot the Pi should automatically join the wifi network and be accessible via ssh. Also the serial console is working.