-TOXIC-#1835 & Cyber Frodo#2750
- Never use our code for illegal stuff!
- Don't use this code for self-bots it's against the Discord ToS
- Python 3.5.3 or higher
- Git
- requests
- discord.py-message-components | Install Instructions
- asyncio
- pypresence
Code | Short | Description |
200 | OK | The request completed successfully |
201 | CREATED | The entity was created successfully |
204 | NO CONTENT | The request completed successfully but returned no content |
304 | NOT MODIFIED | No action was taken |
400 | BAD REQUEST | The request was improperly formatted, or the server couldn't understand it |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | The Token was missing or invalid |
403 | FORBIDDEN | The Token you passed did not have permission to the resource |
404 | NOT FOUND | The resource at the location specified doesn't exist |
405 | MEHTOD NOT ALLOWED | The HTTP method used is not valid for the location specified |
429 | TOO MANY REQUESTS | Too many requests |
502 | GATEWAY UNAVAILABLE | There was not a gateway available to process your request. Wait a bit and retry |
5xx | SERVER ERROR | Server had an error processing your request |
Mutli Accounting (botnet)
- The same tools but for more accounts at once
- It's a bot, he'll remove channels and categories (except the "excepted")
- let the account you want join into the server you want
- Discord Rich Presence (RPC)
- will spam messages with the account you want
- without Cogs & Classes
- in 1 file
- with Cogs & Classes
- splittet into more files (Cogs)
- in 1 file
- will create 2 files
- logs all messageevents (except