CS 345H Final Project to implement the Piet programming language in Scala. A presentation about this project is hosted on Google Drive.
We support both an internal and external version of the Piet DSL. The external version directly reads from an image to determine program execution. This is how Piet was designed to work, but it is not easily representable within Scala to interact with other code.
Therefore, we also support an internal, text-based representation of Piet images, along with a handful of basic commands. Our Compiler can then transform an image into a Scala file containing these DSL commands. Then, running this file will call the Interpeter, just as if the text was an actual image.
Since Scala is a stack-based language, we allow the user to provide the program with a stack to operate on, so that the Piet program can be better integrated with other (non-Piet) code.
##Compiling and Running
- Open a terminal in the Piety root directory
- Use
scalac -d [where to put compiled files] src/main/scala/piety/*.scala
####Running Open a terminal in the directory where the compiled files were saved
#####External DSL (Image -> Program Execution)
- Use
scala piety.Piety [program file path] [codel size]
to run the program
#####Generating Internal DSL (Image -> Piet DSL Text)
- Use
scala piety.Compiler [program file path] [codel size] [output file path]
to compile image to a Scala file
#####Internal DSL (Piet DSL Text -> Program Execution)
- Use
scala [name of .scala file]
to run the Internal DSL text - The compiled scala file must be in the same directory as the PietDSL class
####Valid Programs
- Programs passed to Piety must conform to the Piet specification.
- Piety accepts programs in PNG and GIF formats. Other formats may work but these are the only ones explicitly supported.
- PNG images should NOT contain alpha as this alters the colors defined in the specification.