Modular, serverless aproach to build Progressive Web Applications (PWA) and not only, presented by WebAssembly hosted Blazor and served by AWS.
Install or update the latest tooling, this lets you deploy and run Lambda functions.
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
Install or update the latest Lambda function templates.
dotnet new --install Amazon.Lambda.Templates
Setup IaC CDK
Before use you should deploy CDK Toolkit to your account-id/region
cdk bootstrap 1111111111/eu-central-1
Check version
cdk --version
if CLI is not compatible with the CDK library
npm uninstall -g aws-cdk && npm install -g aws-cdk
IMPORTANT NOTE: Playing around with this POCs your AWS account will create and consume AWS resources, which will cost money. Be sure to shut down/remove all resources once you are finished to avoid ongoing charges to your AWS account (see instructions in delete-stack.ps1).