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edits to classification intro
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trevorcampbell committed Oct 14, 2024
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181 changes: 91 additions & 90 deletions schedule/slides/14-classification-intro.qmd
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Expand Up @@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ various mutations are associated with different phenotypes?
These problems are [not]{.secondary} regression
problems. They are [classification]{.secondary} problems.

. . .

Classification involves a **categorical response variable** (no notion of "order"/"distance").

## The Set-up

## Setup

It begins just like regression: suppose we have observations
Expand All @@ -50,14 +54,14 @@ variance and better predictions.

## How do we measure quality?

Before in regression, we have $y_i \in \mathbb{R}$ and use squared error loss to measure accuracy: $(y - \hat{y})^2$.
Before in regression, we have $y_i \in \mathbb{R}$ and use $(y - \hat{y})^2$ loss to measure accuracy.

Instead, let $y \in \mathcal{K} = \{1,\ldots, K\}$

(This is arbitrary, sometimes other numbers, such as $\{-1,1\}$ will be

We can always take "factors": $\{\textrm{cat},\textrm{dog}\}$ and convert to integers, which is what we assume.
We will usually convert categories/"factors" (e.g. $\{\textrm{cat},\textrm{dog}\}$) to integers.

We again make predictions $\hat{y}=k$ based on the data
Expand All @@ -66,162 +70,176 @@ We again make predictions $\hat{y}=k$ based on the data
* We get zero loss if we predict the right class
* We lose $\ell(k,k')$ on $(k\neq k')$ for incorrect predictions

## How do we measure quality?

Example: You're trying to build a fun widget to classify images of cats and dogs.

| Loss | Predict Dog | Predict Cat |
|:---: | :---: | :---: |
| Actual Dog | 0 | ? |
| Actual Cat | ? | 0 |

. . .

Use the zero-one loss (1 if wrong, 0 if right). *Type of error doesn't matter.*

| Loss | Predict Dog | Predict Cat |
|:---: | :---: | :---: |
| Actual Dog | 0 | 1 |
| Actual Cat | 1 | 0 |

## How do we measure quality?

Suppose you have a fever of 39º C. You get a rapid test on campus.
Example: Suppose you have a fever of 39º C. You get a rapid test on campus.

| Loss | Test + | Test - |
|:---: | :---: | :---: |
| Are + | 0 | Infect others |
| Are - | Isolation | 0 |
| Are + | 0 | ? (Infect others) |
| Are - | ? (Isolation) | 0 |

## How do we measure quality?
. . .

Use a weighted loss; *type of error matters!*

Suppose you have a fever of 39º C. You get a rapid test on campus.

| Loss | Test + | Test - |
|:---: | :---: | :---: |
| Are + | 0 | 1 |
| Are + | 0 | (LARGE) |
| Are - | 1 | 0 |

## How do we measure quality?
Note that one class is "important": we sometimes call that one *positive*. Errors are *false positive* and *false negative*.

> We're going to use $g(x)$ to be our classifier. It takes values in $\mathcal{K}$.
In practice, you have to design your loss (just like before) to reflect what you care about.

## How do we measure quality?

Again, we appeal to risk
We're going to use $g(x)$ to be our classifier. It takes values in $\mathcal{K}$.

Consider the risk
$$R_n(g) = E [\ell(Y,g(X))]$$ If we use the law of
total probability, this can be written
$$R_n(g) = E_X \sum_{y=1}^K \ell(y,\; g(X)) Pr(Y = y \given X)$$
$$R_n(g) = E\left[\sum_{y=1}^K \ell(y,\; g(X)) Pr(Y = y \given X)\right]$$
We minimize this over a class of options $\mathcal{G}$, to produce
$$g_*(X) = \argmin_{g\in\mathcal{G}} E_X \sum_{y=1}^K \ell(y,g(X)) Pr(Y = y \given X)$$
$$g_*(X) = \argmin_{g\in\mathcal{G}} E\left[\sum_{y=1}^K \ell(y,g(X)) Pr(Y = y \given X)\right]$$

## How do we measure quality?

$g_*$ is named the [Bayes' classifier]{.secondary} for loss $\ell$ in class $\mathcal{G}$.

$R_n(g_*)$ is the called the [Bayes' limit]{.secondary} or [Bayes' Risk]{.secondary}.

[It's the best we could hope to do in terms of]{.hand} $\ell$ [if we knew the distribution of the data.]{.hand}

. . .
It's the best we could hope to do *even if we knew the distribution of the data* (recall irreducible error!)

But we don't, so we'll try to do our best to estimate $g_*$.

## Best classifier overall

(for now, we limit to 2 classes)

Once we make a specific choice for $\ell$, we can find $g_*$ exactly (pretending we know the distribution)
Suppose we actually *know* the distribution of everything, and we've picked $\ell$ to be the [zero-one loss]{.secondary}

Because $Y$ takes only a few values, [zero-one]{.secondary}
loss is natural (but not the only option)
$$\ell(y,\ g(x)) = \begin{cases}0 & y=g(x)\\1 & y\neq g(x) \end{cases} \Longrightarrow R_n(g) = \Expect{\ell(Y,\ g(X))} = Pr(g(X) \neq Y),$$

## Best classifier overall
$$\ell(y,\ g(x)) = \begin{cases}0 & y=g(x)\\1 & y\neq g(x) \end{cases}$$

| Loss | Test + | Test - |
|:---: | :---: | :---: |
| Are + | 0 | 1 |
| Are - | 1 | 0 |


$$R_n(g) = \Expect{\ell(Y,\ g(X))} = Pr(g(X) \neq Y)$$

## Best classifier overall

This means we want to
classify a new observation $(x_0,y_0)$ such that
$g(x_0) = y_0$ as often as possible
Want to classify a new observation $(X,Y)$ such that
$g(X) = Y$ with as high probability as possible. Under zero-one loss, we have

$$g_* = \argmin_{g} Pr(g(X) \neq Y) = \argmin_g 1- \Pr(g(X) = Y) = \argmax_g \Pr(g(X) = Y)$$

. . .

Under this loss, we have
g_*(X) &= \argmin_{g} Pr(g(X) \neq Y) \\
&= \argmin_{g} \left[ 1 - Pr(Y = g(x) | X=x)\right] \\
&= \argmax_{g} Pr(Y = g(x) | X=x )
g_* &= \argmax_{g} E[\Pr(g(X) = Y | X)]\\
&= \argmax_{g} E\left[\sum_{k\in\mathcal{K}}1[g(X) = k]\Pr(Y=k | X)\right]

. . .

## Estimating $g_*$

For each $x$, only one $k$ can satisfy $g(x) = k$. So for each $x$,

g_*(x) = \argmax_{k\in\mathcal{K}} \Pr(Y = k | X = x).

### Classifier approach 1 (empirical risk minimization):
## Estimating $g_*$ Approach 1: Empirical risk minimization

1. Choose some class of classifiers $\mathcal{G}$.

2. Find $\argmin_{g\in\mathcal{G}} \sum_{i = 1}^n I(g(x_i) \neq y_i)$

## Bayes' Classifier and class densities (2 classes)
## Estimating $g_*$ Approach 2: Class densities

Using **Bayes' theorem**, and recalling that $f_*(X) = E[Y \given X]$
Consider 2 classes $\{0,1\}$: using **Bayes' theorem** (and being loose with notation),

f_*(X) & = E[Y \given X] = Pr(Y = 1 \given X) \\
&= \frac{Pr(X\given Y=1) Pr(Y=1)}{Pr(X)}\\
& =\frac{Pr(X\given Y = 1) Pr(Y = 1)}{\sum_{k \in \{0,1\}} Pr(X\given Y = k) Pr(Y = k)} \\ & = \frac{p_1(X) \pi}{ p_1(X)\pi + p_0(X)(1-\pi)}\end{aligned}$$
\Pr(Y=1 \given X=x) &= \frac{\Pr(X=x\given Y=1) \Pr(Y=1)}{\Pr(X=x)}\\
&=\frac{\Pr(X=x\given Y = 1) \Pr(Y = 1)}{\sum_{k \in \{0,1\}} \Pr(X=x\given Y = k) \Pr(Y = k)} \\
&= \frac{p_1(x) \pi}{ p_1(x)\pi + p_0(x)(1-\pi)}\end{aligned}$$

* We call $p_k(X)$ the [class (conditional) densities]{.secondary}
* We call $p_k(x)$ the [class (conditional) densities]{.secondary}

* $\pi$ is the [marginal probability]{.secondary} $P(Y=1)$

## Bayes' Classifier and class densities (2 classes)
* Similar formula for $\Pr(Y=0\given X=x) = p_0(x)(1-\pi)/(\dots)$

## Estimating $g_*$ Approach 2: Class densities

Recall $g_*(x) = \argmax_k \Pr(Y=k|x)$; so we classify 1 if

The Bayes' Classifier (best classifier for 0-1 loss) can be rewritten
$$\frac{p_1(x) \pi}{ p_1(x)\pi + p_0(x)(1-\pi)} > \frac{p_0(x) (1-\pi)}{ p_1(x)\pi + p_0(x)(1-\pi)}$$

i.e., the [Bayes' Classifier]{.secondary} (best classifier for 0-1 loss) can be rewritten

$$g_*(X) = \begin{cases}
1 & \textrm{ if } \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)} > \frac{1-\pi}{\pi} \\
0 & \textrm{ otherwise}

### Approach 2: estimate everything in the expression above.
### Estimate everything in the expression above.

* We need to estimate $p_1$, $p_2$, $\pi$, $1-\pi$
* We need to estimate $p_0$, $p_1$, $\pi$, $1-\pi$
* Easily extended to more than two classes

## An alternative easy classifier

Zero-One loss was natural, but try something else
## Estimating $g_*$ Approach 3: Regression discretization

Let's try using [squared error loss]{.secondary} instead:
$\ell(y,\ f(x)) = (y - f(x))^2$
0-1 loss natural, but discrete. Let's try using [squared error]{.secondary}: $\ell(y,\ f(x)) = (y - f(x))^2$

**What will be the optimal classifier here?** (hint: think about regression)

Then, the Bayes' Classifier (the function that minimizes the Bayes Risk) is
$$g_*(x) = f_*(x) = E[ Y \given X = x] = Pr(Y = 1 \given X)$$
(recall that $f_* \in [0,1]$ is _still_ the regression function)
. . .

In this case, our "class" will actually just be a probability. But this isn't a class, so it's a bit unsatisfying.
The "Bayes' Classifier" (sort of...minimizes risk) is just the regression function!
$$f_*(x) = \Pr(Y = 1 \given X=x) = E[ Y \given X = x] $$

How do we get a class prediction?
In this case, $0\leq f_*(x)\leq 1$ not discrete... How do we get a class prediction?

. . .

Discretize the probability:
**Discretize the output**:

$$g(x) = \begin{cases}0 & f_*(x) < 1/2\\1 & \textrm{else}\end{cases}$$

## Estimating $g_*$

### Approach 3:

1. Estimate $f_*$ using any method we've learned so far.
1. Estimate $\hat f(x) = E[Y|X=x] = \Pr(Y=1|X=x)$ using any method we've learned so far.
2. Predict 0 if $\hat{f}(x)$ is less than 1/2, else predict 1.

## Claim: Classification is easier than regression

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,38 +297,21 @@ ggplot(tib) +

## How to find a classifier

[Why did we go through that math?]{.hand}
**Why did we go through that math?**

Each of these approaches suggests a way to find a classifier
Each of these approaches has strengths/drawbacks:

* [Empirical risk minimization:]{.secondary} Choose a set
of classifiers $\mathcal{G}$ and find $g \in \mathcal{G}$ that minimizes
some estimate of $R_n(g)$
* [Empirical risk minimization:]{.secondary} Minimize $R_n(g)$ in some family $\mathcal{G}$

> (This can be quite challenging as, unlike in regression, the
training error is nonconvex)
> (This can be quite challenging as, unlike in regression, the training error is nonconvex)
* [Density estimation:]{.secondary} Estimate $\pi$ and $p_k$

* [Regression:]{.secondary} Find an
estimate $\hat{f}$ of $f^*$ and compare the predicted value to 1/2


Easiest classifier when $y\in \{0,\ 1\}$:

(stupidest version of the third case...)

```{r eval=FALSE}
ghat <- round(predict(lm(y ~ ., data = trainingdata)))

Think about why this may not be very good. (At least 2 reasons I can think of.)
> (We have to estimate class densities to classify. Too roundabout?)
* [Regression:]{.secondary} Find an estimate $\hat{f}\approx E[Y|X=x]$ and compare the predicted value to 1/2

# Next time:
> (Unnatural, estimates whole regression function when we'll just discretize anyway)
# Next time...
Estimating the densities

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