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Podman-Django-MySQL Template

A Template Django web application connected to a MySQL database containerized in podman and composed with podman-compose. The Django documentation's tutorial application is included as an example. Soon to include Odo support for local development.


Pull this repository.

git clone


Ensure Podman is installed. Install podman-compose as well.

For Podman:

For podman-compose:


Ensure the podman machine is initialized and running. Use these two commands:

podman machine init

podman machine start


Ensure your architecture matches the architecture of the base image in the Containerfiles. Uncomment the correct Containerfile architecture for your use case


Run the podman compose build command from the directory holding this repository.

podman compose build


Run the podman compose up command from the directory holding this repository.

podman compose up

Test that the application works by going to localhost:8004


If the podman compose up command hangs for more than 10 seconds after the database container is spun up, cancel it [press Ctrl+C]. Redo the command.

If the podman compose up command does not work, check that you are in the directory with the podman-compose.yml file

If the podman compose up function says it can't find the file, ensure you have podman-compose installed and not docker-compose. If you have docker-compose running underneath podman compose up, then use the following command:

podman compose -f podman-compose.yml up

Ensure your architecture matches the architecture provided for the base images in the Containerfiles (e.g., if you're running Mac M-series, you need the aarch64 python image not the default one)