- added initial implementation for horario fragement
- added initial implemenation for realtime favorites monitor
- added full impl notification core [Firebase]
- added perfect Way to splash screen
- changed Thread to Handler Runnabler splashActivity
- added ChocoBar: The usual Snackbar with more chocolate_bar and colours
- added MMVM architecture using Dagger2
- release 1.0.7
- added Pavilhão de Engenharia (CETEC) #2
- release 1.0.6
- reduced time wait SplashActivity
- added description the new branch [beta]
- added status color "Cancelado" in ClassRoomAdapter
- release beta 1.0.5 [GP]
- Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/UFRBuild/Painel-Aulas-UFRB into dev
- fixed disable SSL security validation #1
- added fatures issue templates
- added issue templates
- release 1.0.4
- fixed unknown SSL certificate 🔥
- release 1.0.3
- fixed typo
- fixed NullPointerException onSelected SearchDialogCompat
- fixed Resource not found exception getDefaultFont()
- added filter by description(prof. name) on searchview
- Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/UFRBuild/Painel-Aulas-UFRB into dev
- added more security for interact within user interface [doc]
- added code of conduct
- fixed link google play app README
- release 1.0.2
- fixed version rootProject, added license appInBilling
- loadview when its discipline property is requested
- added android-inapp-billing-v3
- fixed dismiss dialog after execution code
- added EventListener Onclick subtitleHome
- added message when the user update the disciplines
- added FadingEdge when user scroll down/up into recyclerview home
- added snackbar message when the user change localization
- changed version to google play console 1.0.0
- changed version to 1.0.0
- added color default app on swiperRefreshView
- added EmptyView observer retrofit response
- added license for all files interactors
- restored ActionBar color on SplashActivity
- fixed splash logo and removed ActionBar support
- added firebase cloud messaging
- fixed small bugs and functions
- fixed strings.xml organization
- removed unnecessary files and folder
- added Contributing.md and update Readme.md
- added splash activity and fixed progress searchview
- added AboutActivity, DonateActivity and change icon launcher
- added privacy policy
- fixed fragment home scroll infinity
- added snackbar message, fixed dialog class room
- changed background color snackbar message
- changed TextColor snackbarMessage to white
- fixed hide material drawer onBackPressed
- fixed showHambuguer without effect onclick
- added save/load local campus painel into preference
- fixed more organization TAG logger
- added method for setupMaterialDrawer
- style color icon floatbutton themes
- connect slide menu with searchview
- fixed swipe button position
- fixed layout item recyclerview and fragment design
- fixed margin layout item discipline info
- added new design activity_main.xml
- added dialogbox show up single discipline status
- initial commit
- Initial commit