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In keeping with University and iSchool policy, all students are required to engage in appropriate behavior to protect the health and safety of our community.
If you feel ill or are unable to come to class or complete class assignments due to issues related to COVID-19, including but not limited to: testing positive yourself, feeling ill, caring for a family member with COVID-19, or having unexpected child-care obligations, should contact their instructor immediately and cc their advisor.
Additionally, please be aware that there are mental health resources available to students:
Finally, due to the current messiness of the COVID learning environment, we are allowing up to three late homeworks. If you need to “use” one of your late homeworks email the instructor and/or the TA. You do not need to provide any explanation for why you’d like to use one of your late homeworks. You will then have until the end of the week -- the Friday after the homework was due, midnight -- to turn in this assignment. No extensions can be applied to Weekly Viz reports or any parts of the Final Project.
Late policies for homeworks not on extension include: 10% off for 1 day late, 20% off for 2 days late, 30% off for 3 days late. All homeworks not on extension will be given a zero if turned in after 3 days past the due date.
Data visualization is crucial to conveying information drawn from models, observations or investigations. This course will provide an overview of historical and modern techniques for visualizing data, drawing on quantitative, statistical, and network-focused datasets. Topics will include construction of communicative visualizations, the modern software ecosystem of visualization, and techniques for aggregation and interpretation of data through visualization. Particular attention will be paid to the Python ecosystem and multi-dimensional quantitative datasets.
As a land-grant institution, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a responsibility to acknowledge the historical context in which it exists. In order to remind ourselves and our community, we will begin this event with the following statement. We are currently on the lands of the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Peankashaw, Wea, Miami, Mascoutin, Odawa, Sauk, Mesquaki, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Chickasaw Nations. It is necessary for us to acknowledge these Native Nations and for us to work with them as we move forward as an institution. Over the next 150 years, we will be a vibrant community inclusive of all our differences, with Native peoples at the core of our efforts.
More information can be found on the Chancellor's Website.
This course is designed to give practical advice to students on communicating data through visualization. This will involve a considerable amount of programming, and typically this programming will be done in Python, and some Javascript later in the course. For the most part, our data will be quantitative and multi-dimensional. The course will aim to provide both an understanding of what data visualizations communicate and a set of tools for constructing them yourself.
The course will follow a common pattern within each three-hour instructional session. The first 60-90 minutes will be focused on lecture, where concepts and tools will be introduced; typically, each class will focus on one type of visualization or class of visualization. The remaining time will include exploration of a dataset, which may be independent or in groups, and then a wrap-up session at the end.
Students are expected to have laptops with them, as well as access to Python installations (we will go over how to setup the correct packages), and will be encouraged to participate in class. Homework will be assigned and collected through other methods specified at time of submission like Moodle.
The central themes of the course are:
- What are the components of an effective visualization of quantitative data?
- What tools and ecosystems are available for visualizing data?
- What systems can be put in place to generate visualizations rapidly and with high-fidelity representation?
None, although basic Python programming experience is assumed. A brief introduction to Python will be presented during the course.
There is no required textbook for this course. All course materials will be posted to the GitHub repository at .
A list of Python libraries week-by-week and tips on how to install them can be found by clicking this link.
Optional textbook Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner. You can find a lot of the concepts from this textbook on the books webpage and the associated lecture slides.
As the course progresses, a list of recommended readings will be generated for each class. These will be included in the course materials repository, and students are encouraged to fork that repository and issue pull requests to add suggested readings.
The iSchool Writing Resources is the in-house writing support team for graduate students at the iSchool. They are here to help you with your writing and help you feel more comfortable and confident in your skills. The writing consultants are not professors or evaluators. They simply know the struggles of graduate and undergraduate-level writing and want to help you learn how to succeed and improve your writing skills. The iSchool writing consultants can help you with every step of the writing process. For detailed information on our services please visit our website:
Below is an approximate outline of the course and optional reading for each week.
Note that the reading is meant to be complementary to the course, i.e. we won't
simply rehash what is in the reading during class.
This course is always under development and the course outline below is subject to some flexibility; students will be encouraged to provide feedback on the topics covered, particularly toward the end. Topics that are of particular interest will be emphasized.
Optional texts:
- Visualization Analysis & Design, Tamara Munzner. You can find a lot of the concepts from this textbook on the books webpage and the associated lecture slides.
- Edward Tufte wrote a series of visualization books that are often thought of as foundational to the field. These include The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Beautiful Evidence, Envisioning Information, and Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
- There is a free online book, Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke that provies a lot of nice examples and serves as an intro to Tamara Munzner's book. It has an annotated bibliography at the end that gives a few references for books in data viz that include programming. It is built from the linked GitHub repo. Note that this book is focused on static (not interactive) visualizations.
- Additional references will be added as needed.
Acronyms for books:
- VAD: Visualization Analysis & Design
- FDV: Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Course Outline and Optional Reading List
<style> table th:first-of-type { width: 10%; } table th:nth-of-type(2) { width: 30%; } table th:nth-of-type(3) { width: 60%; } </style>Jill Naiman's background is in theoretical and computational astrophysics with a current research emphasis on scientific data visualization and the digitization of historical scientific images and text. In addition to her position as Teaching Faculty at the iSchool, she is also currently a Visiting Scholar at the Advanced Visualization Lab at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. She is currently involved in projects related to increasing access to industry-standard special effects software for scientists - more info can be found here and here. Information about her astrophysical research and outreach efforts can be found here.
| | | | | Phone: (217) 300-8439 |
The campus-wide Writers Workshop provides free consultations. For more information see The iSchool has a Writing Resources Moodle site and iSchool writing coaches also offer free consultations.
Please review and reflect on the academic integrity policy of the University of Illinois,, to which we subscribe. By turning in materials for review, you certify that all work presented is your own and has been done by you independently, or as a member of a designated group for group assignments.
If, in the course of your writing, you use the words or ideas of another writer, proper acknowledgement must be given (using APA, Chicago, or MLA style). Not to do so is to commit plagiarism, a form of academic dishonesty. If you are not absolutely clear on what constitutes plagiarism and how to cite sources appropriately, now is the time to learn. Please ask me!
Please be aware that the consequences for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty will be severe. Students who violate university standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary action, including a reduced grade, failure in the course, and suspension or dismissal from the University.
Criteria for grading homework assignments include (but are not limited to) creativity and the amount of original work demonstrated in the assignment. However, students are permitted to use and adapt the work of others, provided that the following guidelines are followed:
- Use of other people’s material must not infringe the copyright of the original author, nor violate the terms of any licensing agreement. Know and respect the principles of fair use with respect to copyrighted material.
- Students must scrupulously attribute the original source and author of whatever material has been adapted for the assignment. Summarize the changes or adaptations that have been made. Make plain how much of the assignment represents original work.
This applies to code as well -- you are welcome to use online sources (e.g. StackOverflow) but be sure to include the URL in your code comments.
Additionally, unless explicitly stated do not publish homework solutions online.
As the state’s premier public university, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s core mission is to serve the interests of the diverse people of the state of Illinois and beyond. The institution thus values inclusion and a pluralistic learning and research environment, one which we respect the varied perspectives and lived experiences of a diverse community and global workforce. We support diversity of worldviews, histories, and cultural knowledge across a range of social groups including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, abilities, economic class, religion, and their intersections.
To obtain accessibility-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the course instructor and the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible. To contact DRES you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 333-4603 (V/TTY), or e-mail a message to
This syllabus may be obtained in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the instructor.
Students will be graded based on a combination of assignments (70%: 40% (maximum) standard prose/code assignments and 30% weekly visualization reports) and a final project (30%). The final project will be a capstone to the course, and will have greater flexibility in software packages and data sources. This project will be introduced around Week 8.
There will be opportunities for extra credit in the homework and final project portions. The maximum homework score is fixed at 40% (even with extra credit included).
In summary, your grades consist of:
| 40% | Standard assignments in prose or code form (40% is the MAX grade, even with extra credit) | 30% | Weekly visualization reports | 30% | Final project
Assignments in this course will be a mixture of coding/visualization work and written work. These two may not be distinct assignments; students will be asked to describe their code and justify choices for making decisions with respect to visualizations.
Students are expected, unless otherwise instructed, to be the principal authors of their code. This does not mean they may not investigate resources such as StackOverflow, package documentation, etc; however, they must cite when resources (especially StackOverflow and other "recipe" sites) are utilized.
Assignments will take two forms, and will be given at the end of each class. Students will have until the following class to turn these in; assignments will be collected electronically.
- The first type of assignment will be a written document, constituting either a brief literature review or an analysis of a visualization or set of visualizations. The parameters for these assignments will be given during class, but will typically involve a critique of a visualization, including citing relevant works in the visualization literature.
- The second type of assignment will be a hands-on, code-based assignment. Students will be provided either a dataset or a class of datasets from which they can choose, and construct one or multiple mechanisms of drawing information out of this visually. These will be submitted in the form of Jupyter notebooks. Each visualization must be accompanied by narrative description from the student describing why design decisions were made.
The submission process for homeworks will be described by example during class before any homeworks are to be submitted.
Submissions will be in PDF and/or .ipynb (Jupyter notebook) format, and, when appropriate, a datafile needed to run the notebook file. If coding is required for the assignment, you will not get full points if you do not submit the notebook file. If the code requires a dataset and this is not included in your submission you will not get full credit. Files should be uploaded individually, no *.zip files will be accepted.
Each assignment will be based on "correctness" and the narrative description of the process. "Correctness" in this case indicates that the code runs without issue, results are produced, and each component of the assignment is completed. The narrative description of the process will be graded on grammar minimally and more so on completeness and thoughtfulness.
All assignments are required for all students, aside from one homework (lowest HW grade will be dropped). Note that the Syllabus Quiz is in the homework grading category, but will not be droppable. Completing all assignments is not a guarantee of a passing grade. You must do homework, visualization reports, and final to receive a passing grade. Late or incomplete assignments will not be given full credit unless the student has contacted the instructor prior to the due date of the assignment (or in the case of emergencies, as soon as practicable).
Grading Scale:
| 94-100 | A | 90-93 | A- | 87-89 | B+ | 83-86 | B | 80-82 | B- | 77-79 | C+ | 73-76 | C | 70-72 | C- | 67-69 | D+ | 63-66 | D | 60-62 | D- | 59 and below | F
Students must request an incomplete grade from the instructor. The instructor and student will agree on a due date for completion of coursework and the student must file an Incomplete Form signed by the student, the instructor, and the student’s academic advisor with the School’s records representative. More information on incompletes is available here:
Students are required to attend each class, and if they are unable to do so must notify the instructor and TA in advance and request an excused absence. Participation in class -- in the form of comments, questions, and discussion -- is expected.
We aim to respond to Slack messages in the main channel within 24 business hours and email within 3 business days. Please note that personal Slack messages are treated as emails and turn around times will be within 3 days (though we will make every effort to respond sooner than that). Please do not use Slack for any questions about grades, or other personal queries -- email is the appropriate venue for these questions. Do not post working code or solutions of any kind on Slack publically.
Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. It is important that we take a minute to prepare for a situation in which our safety or even our lives could depend on our ability to react quickly. When we’re faced with any kind of emergency – like fire, severe weather or if someone is trying to hurt you – we have three options: Run, hide or fight.
Leaving the area quickly is the best option if it is safe to do so.
- Take time now to learn the different ways to leave your building.
- Leave personal items behind.
- Assist those who need help, but consider whether doing so puts yourself at risk.
- Alert authorities of the emergency when it is safe to do so.
When you can’t or don’t want to run, take shelter indoors.
- Take time now to learn different ways to seek shelter in your building.
- If severe weather is imminent, go to the nearest indoor storm refuge area.
- If someone is trying to hurt you and you can’t evacuate, get to a place where you can’t be seen, lock or barricade your area, silence your phone, don’t make any noise and don’t come out until you receive an Illini-Alert indicating it is safe to do so.
As a last resort, you may need to fight to increase your chances of survival.
- Think about what kind of common items are in your area which you can use to defend yourself.
- Team up with others to fight if the situation allows.
- Mentally prepare yourself – you may be in a fight for your life.
Please be aware of persons with disabilities who may need additional assistance in emergency situations.
- for more information on how to prepare for emergencies, including how to run, hide or fight and building floor plans that can show you safe areas.
- to sign up for Illini-Alert text messages.
- Follow the University of Illinois Police Department on Twitter and Facebook to get regular updates about campus safety.