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Final Project: LIS590DV - Fall 2017

Your final project is composed of four parts. You will work in groups of three or four people; each person will be expected to participate in the project.

Note that in some cases, the descriptions of what you are to visualize are somewhat vague. This is in keeping with our discussion of carefully choosing the story you want to tell. You're going to be called upon in this assignment to examine the data, and then within the rough outlines of the discussion, construct a visualization that "answers" the posed question.

There are a few important notes:

  • All of the source code must be provided.
  • Use GitHub to version your code and your writeup. This will also be used to verify individual contributions.
  • The writeup will be evaluated.
  • A "visualization" does not mean a single plot; it is broadly defined to include linked visualizations, collections of plots, etc.

Component 1: Transportable Array Interactive

Concept: Show the how the transportable array responded to an earthquake.

Your first dataset will be based on data from the transportable array, for the four hours following the Tohoku earthquake. This data is available in two files on the LIS590 server, under the directory /srv/nbgrader/data/transportable_array.

  • location.txt is a tsv containing the latitude and longitude. The final two columns are irrelevant data and can be discarded.
  • data_tohoku_norm_transpose.csv is a csv containing each of the 438 stations in a column, and each row is subsequent seconds from the earthquake.

You will make one interactive visualization. This should have a map, a time slider, a spectrogram, and a line plot of the currently selected detector.

A spectrogram is a visualization in which a 2D array is created, showing the normalized values from a collection of 1D arrays. In principle, the input from the data_tohoku_norm_transpose.csv file can be very easily converted into this. However, this will give an odd stratification of the array detectors, because they're just ordered however they are in the file. Instead, you should create a new ordering of the array detectors. Compute (you can use the haversine package) the distance from the Tohoku quake itself, and use this to order the detectors from closest to furthest. Order them this way in the spectrogram.

Display the locations of each detector in the transportable array on a map of the United States; the color of each mark should represent the value of the wave at the currently selected time.

The waveform of each selected detector (selected by hovering, selecting from an int slider, dropdown, or by clicking on a detector) should be displayed as a line plot.

Annotate the spectrogram to indicate current time and selected detector.

  • Extra: Turn each into audio. (Don't autoplay though.)

Component 2: Transportable Array Movie


Make a time-varying visualization of the transportable array and how it responds to an earthquake. You will be graded on the information that is communicated and the aesthetics.

This does not have to be a strictly quantitative visualization, and it can be done in any software. You may choose to augment this with

Your writeup of this should very clearly state what you intend for individuals to get out of the visualization as well as how you did it. Because this is an open-ended problem, by design, you must describe what you intended to communicate.

This should be uploaded to and any source code placed in this repository.

Component 3: UFO database and supplemental data

For this component, you are to build an interactive visualization of the UFO sighting database we have been working with.

As a reminder, you can load this data with:

names = ["date", "city", "state", "country", "shape", "duration_seconds",
         "duration_reported", "description", "report_date", "latitude",

fn = "/srv/nbgrader/data/ufo-scrubbed-geocoded-time-standardized.csv",
ufo = pd.read_csv(fn, names = names, parse_dates = ["date", "report_date"])

Your visualization should be interactive; you may find it easiest to use bqplot to build this visualization. It should display the following pieces of information:

  • A map of the United States, where the states are colored either by the total sightings in each state over the selected time period, or the total time in sightings.
  • A plot displaying the total number of sightings in whichever state is highlighted, aggregated so that it is a function of the year.
  • A plot displaying the total duration of sightings in whichever state is highlighted, aggregated so that it is a function of the year.
  • Tooltips should appear when hovering over the state with useful information about the state (either from the UFO database or elsewhere.)

Your interactive visualization must have the following modifiable parts:

  • Which field is being displayed: total sightings or total time.
  • Time period being visualized: there should be some widget or display mechanism that can be subselected; one possibility would be to show the total number of sightings over the entire database (aggregated by year) and allow the user to click and drag to highlight specific times regions. When it is subselected, this should change the display in the map component.

The final component of this visualization will be to normalize based on some other piece of information about the state. For instance, this could be taking the number of sightings and dividing it by the (modern-day, or per-year) population of each state. There are many different fields that these could be normalized based on; allowing for interactivity in choosing which normalizing field would be useful.

Data about the states can be found at many different places online, and items from QuickFacts can be found at:

Note that this may require using an abbreviation terminology known as FIPS, for Federal Information Processing Standards. In part3/ you can see how to obtain the FIPS number for each state, as well as one way of plotting data in bqplot based on FIPS-keyed information.

Component 4: Infographic

Concept: From the visualization you constructed in either component 1 or component 3, construct a narrative. You should take the visual output, possibly modifying it (potentially with something like photoshop or gimp) to fit the style of the rest of your text.

Your output should be in the form of an "infographic." This should include the visualization, narrative text, and should be designed to convey a story of your own choosing.

This component will be graded on style of presentation, aesthetics, representation of the data, and breakdown of the information for understanding by lay people.

Final Writeup

You will be tasked with providing a writeup of your visualizations as well. Each should be in markdown form and in the directory with your visualizations. These should describe in some detail:

  • Why you took the approach you did
  • Strengths of your approach
  • Weaknesses of your approach
  • What you wished you had been able to do (if anything)
  • Who in the group contributed each part of the visualization (from code, data management, data cleaning, writeup, and so on.)


To submit your project, send a zip or tarball of your GitHub repository to my email.


Final project for Fall 2017







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