Proof of concept delivered by Home Office CTO of a couple of tools used by the CSOC team running in ACP
- postgres
- huginn worker
- huginn web service
- yeti web service
- mongo
- redis
- various yeti workers
Deployed using Drone
- Make mongo highly available
- Make postgres highly available
- Make redis highly available
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaling for yeti workers
- Increase scaling limit of services
- Reduce requests and limits of resources to what they need to be
- Find a way of carrying out liveliness checks on yeti and huginn workers
- Remove o365 keycloak access
- Disable auth in Yeti & Huginn since keycloak is providing it
- Provide a route for MISP to connect to yeti either bypassing Keycloak or use the Keycloak Gatekeeper as a forward proxy.