This image is designed to work alongside the UKHomeOffice/jira-docker
image, providing periodic backups of Jira
to S3
The image is available in a public repo on Quay:-
- Jira is running in a separate container.
- A volume exists which is available to both containers.
- Both containers have a volumeMount in Kubernetes mounted at /var/atlassian/jira/.
The image requires the following environment variables to be set:-
Jira database:-
Environment variable | Description |
DATABASE_HOST | The location of the database - can be a DNS name or IP address |
DATABASE_PORT | The port the database is listening on |
DATABASE_USERNAME | The username to connects to the database with |
PGPASSWORD | The password used when connecting to the database |
AWS S3:-
Environment variable | Description |
BUCKET_NAME | The S3 bucket to use for the backups |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | The AWS key used to authenticate with the bucket |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The secret key used to authenticate with the BUCKET_NAME |
Note: if using this in Kube, the environment variables will have to be base64 encoded!
The image is designed to work alongside a separate container running Jira in Kubernetes. An example of the deployment in Kube can be found on UKHomeOffice/dq-kube-jira
The below examples show how to start the container in Docker.
- Pull Docker image from Quay:-
docker pull
Before starting the container, make sure the environment variables are set.
Start the container using Docker run:-
docker run -it --rm --name s3-backup