DQ Raw Message Retrieval retrieves the associated RAW zip file from an S3 bucket of a url, and displays its contents in stream.
Requires environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
to be set.
- E:\RAW_ARCHIVE used by the test suite
- test test suite
- Dockerfile builds a Docker container on Alpine and installs NodeJS for the application to used
- package-lock.json list of packages used to build the container - depends on package.json. This file is auto-generated by NodeJS upon build. If the container need updating the current file needs to be deleted and the new one copied out from the container that gets built and added to the repository tree.
- package.json lists dependencies to use to build NodeJS within the container
- zip_file_fixture.zip used by the test suite
- This is the old application which is only kept here for reference - no longer in use.
- deployment.yml describe the various containers that will live in the K8S pod
- ingress.yml describe the ACP ingress service
- network-policy.yml describe the port the service is listening on
- secret.yml describe all secrets passed into pod
- service.yml maps the port to the HTTPS service
- building the Docker container then deploys it along with all the other K8S Containers into NotProd and Prod
- RMR container tester script
- example zip file
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Keycloak
- Testing is built into the Docker container build step using the ./app/test suite by running the index.test.js NodeJS script.