layout |
workshop |
{% comment %} Each of the sections below can be found in an individual markdown file. This makes it easier for people to edit the contents in the UKRN Workshop Builder. {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} HEADER
Edit the values in the block above to be appropriate for your workshop. If the value is not 'true', 'false', 'null', or a number, please use double quotation marks around the value, unless specified otherwise. And run 'make workshop-check' before committing to make sure that changes are good. {% endcomment %}
{% if site.eventbrite %} Some adblockers block the registration window. If you do not see the registration box below, please check your adblocker settings.
<iframe src="{{site.eventbrite}}&ref=etckt" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="280px" scrolling="auto"> </iframe> {% endif %}{% if site.topic == "open-data" %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% elsif site.topic == "open-code" %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% elsif site.topic == "open-access" %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% elsif site.topic == "preregistration" %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% elsif site.topic == "preprints" %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% else %} {% include intro/topic-intros/ %} {% endif %}
{% comment %} LOCATION
This block displays the address and links to maps showing directions if the latitude and longitude of the workshop have been set. You can use to find the lat/long of an address. {% endcomment %} {% assign begin_address = site.address | slice: 0, 4 | downcase %} {% if site.address == "online" %} {% assign online = "true_private" %} {% elsif begin_address contains "http" %} {% assign online = "true_public" %} {% else %} {% assign online = "false" %} {% endif %} {% if site.latitude and site.longitude and online == "false" %}
Where: {{site.address}}. Get directions with OpenStreetMap or Google Maps.
{% elsif online == "true_public" %}Where: online at {{site.address}}. If you need a password or other information to access the training, the instructor will pass it on to you before the workshop.
{% elsif online == "true_private" %}Where: This training will take place online. The instructors will provide you with the information you will need to connect to this meeting.
{% endif %}{% comment %} DATE
This block displays the date and links to Google Calendar. {% endcomment %} {% if site.start_date %}
When: {{site.start_date | date: "%y %m %d - %H:%M" }}. {% include workshop_calendar.html %}
{% endif %}{% comment %} Include the extra optional files listed in optional_intro_sections {% endcomment %} {% for X in site.optional_intro_sections %} {% include intro/{{ X }}.md %} {% endfor %}
Display the contact email address set in the configuration file. {% endcomment %}
Contact: Please email the instructors for more information. {% if site.instructor_emails %} The instructors' emails are:
{% for email in site.instructor_emails %}
- {{email}} {% endfor %}
{% comment%} CODE OF CONDUCT {% endcomment %}
Everyone who participates in UKRN activities is required to conform to the UKRN Code of Conduct. This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.
Report a Code of Conduct Incident
{% comment %} Collaborative Notes
If you want to use an Etherpad, go to
where 'YYYY-MM-DD-site' is the identifier for your workshop, e.g., '2015-06-10-esu'.
Note we also have a CodiMD (the open-source version of HackMD) available at {% endcomment %} {% if site.collaborative_notes %}
We will use this collaborative document for chatting, taking notes, and sharing URLs and bits of code.
{% endif %}
{% assign pre = site.pre_survey | size %} {% assign post = site.post_survey | size %} {% if pre > 0 or post > 0 %}
{% if pre > 0 and post > 0 %}Please be sure to complete these surveys before and after the workshop.
{% else %}Please be sure to complete this survey {% if pre > 0 %}before{% else %}after{% endif %} the workshop.
{% if pre > 0 %} {% else %}{% endif %} {% endif %}{% endif %}
{% comment %} SCHEDULE
Show the workshop's schedule.
The schedule is automatically generated from the lessons in ./_episodes
and ./episodes_rmd
, which are in turn produced by the generator tool.
{% endcomment %}
{% include schedule.html %}
{% comment %} SETUP
The setup page simply loops through the entries in site.setup_files and links them with available installation guides from _includes/install_instructions {% endcomment %} {% if site.setup_files.length > 0 %} {% comment %}Sum up the times taken to install the software{% endcomment %} {% assign setup_time = 0 %} {% for X in site.setup_files %} {% assign setup_time = setup_time | plus: X.exercise %} {% endfor %}
To participate in a {{ site.title | capitalize }} workshop, you will need access to the software described below. Installing this software will take around {{ setup_time }} minutes. In addition, you will need an up-to-date web browser.
The Carpentries maintain a list of common issues that occur during installation as a reference for instructors that may be useful on the Configuration Problems and Solutions wiki.
{% include intro/_participant-setup.html %} {% else %} To participate in this workshop you will need an up-to-date web browser. {% endif %}