Builds 2D signed distance fields from images, 3D signed distance fields from pointclouds, 3D signed distance fields from Octomap, provides a lightweight signed distance field library, message types for signed distance fields, and tools to compress signed distance fields for transport.
A simple example/tutorial is provided, see the Wiki.
These will build by default, and require ros-{distro}-pybind11-catkin
to be installed. You can disabled them with catkin config --append --cmake-args -DSDF_TOOLS_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF
To test that the python bindings are working, you can run ./test/
The low level distance field calculation can be found in sdf_generation.hpp, BuildDistanceField
. The SDF is created by first creating two distance fields, one to free voxel and one to filled voxels, then combining them.