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Lab Tasks

Notes on notation and structure

  • Questions that you need to answer (as a group!) are indicated with question mark symbols (:question:).
  • The Questions section is at the end of this document.
  • Tasks that specify work to do without a written response will be bulleted.

Responses to questions should be submitted as specified below (in the QUESTIONS section).

If you're ever confused about what you need to do for a given task, ask. Similarly, if you're just not sure what's going on or what something does, or how it does it, please ask! There's a lot going on here, and if you're not confused now and then you're probably not paying attention. 😄

Before completing these lab tasks, make sure you have read through and completed the following:

Exploring the project

Look over the directory structure of the project before you start making changes to it, and consider the various tools that we are using to manage our project.

❓ Answer questions 1, 2, and 3 QUESTIONS

Exploring the server

Study the server (Java) code in the project you have cloned. Run it according to the instructions in the README, including running the JUnit tests.

❓ Answer questions 4 and 5 QUESTIONS

Pro-tip: Searching the Internet or using AI tools to gain additional knowledge or support your conjectures about how something works is great! It's important that you think about how everything fits together and works, though, so don't use these tools as a replacement for building your understanding! Blindly pasting in answers that you don't really understand will eventually catch up with you and create problems.

Look at the tests in server/src/test/java/umm3601.user as they can provide useful information about the intention of various functions called by Server via the UserController class.

You should make sure you run the JUnit tests, and it would be good to deliberately modify some of the tests and see what happens when they break. (But make sure you restore them to their passing state when you're done.)

Use Thunder Client to explore API output

Thunder Client is a tool for debugging the server API output from VSCode. It aids in checking what the server gives us when we make requests to it, which can be really helpful when you're trying to debug what your server gives you.

To use Thunder Client (once it's installed), open it from the sidebar. The icon is a circle with a lightning bolt in the middle.

Thunder Client in VS Code sidebar

This should add a button in the top of the sidebar labelled New Request, click it.

Thunder client startup screen

This should open a window with two columns. In the top of the left column, there should be a URL bar with a url, (by default, it's Change that to http://localhost:4567/api/<the-route-you-want-to-test> (ie. http://localhost:4567/api/users), then press send.

Thunder client usage

The response will be on the right column. You can also change the query parameters from this window.

Exploring the client

The client resources are in client, which contains the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to construct the very simple client-side web app.

❓ Answer questions 6 and 7 and 8 QUESTIONS

Use GitHub Projects to support Agile development

We'll be using GitHub Projects to augment the standard GitHub issues system with nifty powers to aid in Agile estimating, planning, tracking, and development. The next two sections describe the software development tasks you need to complete for this lab, which all take the form of augmenting the server API with new functionality.

Setting up the GitHub Projects board

Before you actually start coding on any part of the lab, you should spend some time using issues and GitHub Projects to capture and estimate issues and do some planning.

  1. Go to the Issues tab for your repository
  2. Near the green New issue button, there is a button-like thing that says Milestones (click it)
  3. Click the green New milestone button
  4. Create a milestone for the lab that uses the lab's due date
    1. If you'd like to make multiple, smaller milestones, you may do so
    2. You can write in other information if you'd like, but at least include the one milestone for the lab's due date

Once you have created a milestone, you will be ready to create a GitHub Projects board to act as your visual workspace that is connected to your GitHub repository.

In future labs and the project, you'll need to create several epics, one for each major feature; implementing most epics will have at least two parts that together "slice the cake":

  • Implementing the server-side functionality, e.g., adding support for a new API endpoint to the Javalin server code.

  • Adding the client-side functionality that allows users to access that new server-side work, e.g., adding elements to the website that allow a user to find todos with certain filters activated.

Since we've provided you with a fully functional client, you won't need to do any work on the client side in this lab, so you won't really slice the cake here, but you should be aware that it will be important in the future for your issues to fully slice the cake. In the future, for each epic you should add the issues (tasks) that you think you'll need to complete to provide a full version of this feature. We will give you instructions about how to do that for future labs.

⚠️ One thing you should not do is create separate tasks for things like unit tests or refactoring. Those activities should be "baked in" to your work flow, and not considered separate (and therefore to some degree optional) activities.

  1. Click the Projects tab on your GitHub repository
  2. Use the green dropdown by the button to make that button read New project (then, click New project)
  3. In the popup dialog, choose the Feature release template and then click the green Create button

The view that you see will have several views, each focused on a different way of thinking about the state of your project.

If you haven't already assigned estimates as you went along, now is a good time to think about how difficult you think each task will be and put estimates on each issue. Once you've created and estimated all the issues, you should think about which ones you think you can reasonably do in this lab. This could be all of them, but it doesn't have to be. You can always add issues to this epic as things progress, and in general customers would rather see the set of issues you expect to complete in this epic increase rather than decrease, so being conservative in your initial planning is probably a Good Thing.

You should move the issues you really expect to do into the Ready track, leaving all the other issues (that you may or may not do) in the Backlog track.

Now, you are ready to get started working on the coding part of this lab!

Using the board

You'll then need to keep an eye on your board throughout the lab, using it to guide your decisions about what to work on, updating issues as you make progress, etc. When you start work on an issue, move it to the "In progress" track.

Whenever you sit down to work on the project, you should be clearly working on a specific issue. If you feel like there's something that needs to be done but isn't in an issue, you should make an issue for that before you start working on it.

When you start work on a new issue, you should create a feature branch for that issue, and commit your work on that issue to that branch. Commit messages should refer to that issue (by number, e.g., Issue #8) so GitHub can auto-link the commits to that issue for you.

When you feel like an issue is complete

  • Move that card to the In review track
  • Issue a Pull Request from your feature branch onto your master branch

Then step away from that issue for a while, either by working on a different part of the lab, or by doing something unrelated to Software Design. Then come back back to that as a team and review the requirements described in the issue and compare them to the functionality you implemented. Is the issue done done? Are there solid and complete tests that back up the work? Can you break it? Have you tried? Would you bet your career (or at least your next raise) on this working in a customer demo or out in the field?

If you find bugs, document them, either in the existing issue, or through new issues. Then go back to working in the feature branch for that issue, and repeat the whole process.

Once the issue passes review, you should

  • Merge the associated feature branch into master by accepting the (perhaps modified) pull request
  • Move the issue to the Done track (or, fee free to create more tracks as you see fit)
  • There are ways to automate the moves through the tracks based on what's happening in GitHub, but we won't look at that in detail for this lab.

The epics/features

The initial server (Java) code demonstrates reading in a collection of (randomly generated) user data, and making it available (with filtering) via the simple API you explored above. The client (JavaScript/HTML/CSS) demonstrates using simple forms that allow the user to make requests of the server and see the results.

Your goal in this lab is to use test-driven development (TDD) to extend the server's API to support serving 'to-do' data in such a way that it works with the provided client. We do want you to write JUnit tests for the server functionality you add, but you don't need to worry about the JavaScript code or how one might test it. (We'll end up using some nice testing tools that integrate with Angular.)

There is a file data/todos.json that has several hundred randomly generated "to-do"s, each of which has:

  • A unique _id
  • An owner
  • A status (which is a boolean - is the task completed or not)
  • A body that describes the task
  • A category

Below are the various features we'd like to see you implement in this lab. You should create an epic for each of the features listed below, adding at issues as appropriate.

At the very least (necessary to get 85% of this part of the lab) you should implement (and create meaningful server-side tests for) the following features:

  • List all the todos
    • Implement an api/todos server-side endpoint, which returns all the to-dos
  • List a single todo by ID
    • Implement an api/todos/58895985c1849992336c219b server-side endpoint, which returns the single todo with the given _id. It should return a 404 (use the Javalin NotFoundResponse class) if there is no todo with the specified _id.
  • Support limiting the number of todos that are displayed
    • Implement an api/todos?limit=7 API endpoint, which lets you specify the maximum number of todos that the server returns.
  • Support filtering todos by their status (either complete or incomplete)
    • Implement an api/todos?status=complete (or incomplete) endpoint which lets you filter the todos and only return the complete (or incomplete) ones
    • Note that the "database" stores the status as a boolean, but the endpoint uses "complete" and "incomplete". You'll have to implement the (simple) logic that transforms the endpoint "language" into the database terminology.
  • Support searching for todos whose bodies contain a given string
    • Implement an api/todos?contains=banana endpoint which lets you search for to-dos whose bodies contain (anywhere) the given string (in this case "banana").

To get full (100%) credit on this part of the lab you should implement (and create meaningful tests for) these additional features:

  • Filter todos by owner
    • Implement the endpoint api/todos?owner=Blanche which returns just the to-dos owned by Blanche
  • Filter todos by category
    • Implement the endpoint api/todos?category=groceries which returns just the to-dos in the groceries category
  • Allow for ordering/sorting of todos by a particular attribute
    • Implement the endpoint api/todos?orderBy=owner (or body, status, or category) which sorts the returned to-dos alphabetically by the specified field

For full credit you also need to support arbitrary combinations of these filters, e.g.,


which would return the first 12 completed to-dos owned by Blanche ordered by category.

‼️ If you have a combination of limit with other filters, make sure you do the limiting step last so you don't miss any items. If you limit first to, say, 10 todos, then you might get down to the requested 10 todos, but then have later filters bring that down to 7 or 5 or even zero. So make sure you limit last!

Each of these if implemented properly should work in the provided client.


Write up your answers to these questions in a Google Doc and turn that in via Canvas on the assignment for this lab.


  • Make sure that everyone in your group has edit privileges on the document.
  • Make sure that the link you turn in gives us at least comment privileges.
  • Include the URL of the GitHub repository for your group at the top of the GDoc. This will make it easier for us to figure out which team is "Snoozing Llamas".

‼️ Make sure that your answers address the purpose of these tools. Don't just tell us what something does, indicate why we'd want to have it.

‼️ If you have your project running (see the README), these links should actually work and generate results from your server.

  • 6 What is in the client folder? What is the purpose of each of the HTML files there?

  • 7 Describe what happens when you filter users by age in the client?

    • What information is read from the web page, and where is it read from?
    • What request is sent to the server?
    • What reply does the server send back to the client? How is that constructed?
    • What is received by the client, and how/where is it displayed?
  • 8 Where is the client-side JavaScript defined? Name the HTML file(s) that load and use it.