is a simple LTI Tool Provider that is a fork of ims_lti_py.
Besides, it presents a TP example based on (https://github.com/tophatmonocle/lti_tool_provider_example_flask).
Edit the file tool_provider.py in order to config your Tool Provider:
- port: connection port
- app.secret_key: app key
- oauth_creds: id/password pair, e.g. "{ 'test': 'secret', 'simple': 'supersecret' }"
- assessment_creds: id/tool pair, e.g. "{ 'test': 'test.html', 'simple': 'simple.html' }"
python tool_provider.py
The Tool Provider includes two tools:
- Test LTI Tool (tool/test.html). It shows all LTI params provided by LTI consumer.
- Simple LTI Assessment Tool (tool/simple.html). It uses the username and send a score to LTI consumer.
Moodle allows you to include a "External Tool" based on LTI. The main settings are:
- Launch URL: http://yourdomain:port/lti_tool
- Consumer key: oauth id, e.g. 'test'
- Shared secret: oauth password, e.g. 'secret'
- Custom parameters: any custom parameter that your tool needs
- Accept grades from the tool: whether your tool returns score
ims_lti_py (original):
- Anson MacKeracher (https://github.com/amackera)
- Jero Sutlovic (https://github.com/jsutlovic)
- Felix J. Garcia (https://github.com/felixgarcia)
- Luis de la Torre (https://github.com/Ravenink)
Este trabajo es resultado de la estancia 19937/EE/15 financiada por la Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa “Jiménez de la Espada” de Movilidad Investigadora, Cooperación e Internacionalización.