Welcome to the rUNSWift git repository.
The directory structure is:
- bin: This is where any executables are stored, such as configuration scripts (setup-build, nao_sync)
- image: The contents of this directory are synced to the robot with nao_sync, put custom configuration files or libraries here. Python code that handles behaviour decision making exists here.
- robot: This is the source code for the rUNSWift binaries, including our core architecture.
- utils: This is the source code for any off-nao utilities, such as colour calibration or offline debugging utilities.
Documentation can be found in several places:
On ReadTheDocs for heaps of high-level overviews on different areas, of note:
On the CSE RoboCup Site for game videos, older team reports and code releases
In README.md files in many directories such as for pos files and vision regions, great for implementation overviews
In docstrings or multiline comments at the top of files, such as explaining how behaviour.py bridges C++ and Python
In code comments as appropriate to the language
- In the wiki, typically just for private/secret things (most of the public stuff has been migrated to ReadTheDocs, though if you find something that hasn't been please help migrate it)