- Introduction
- Project Repositories
- Working with Issues
- Working with UIPs
- Documentation
- Developer Environment
- Testing
- Submitting Changes
- Coding Conventions
- Code of Conduct
- List of Releases
- Running up a Block Producer Node
- Running a Calculator Node
- Licensing
- Communication
- Project contributors
- App developers
- Dapp developers
- Issue reporters
- Improvement reporters
- Block Producer Node
- Calculator Node
U°Community is deployed as a dapp and has a fronted and a backend for interface.
- ucom.frontend — U°Community frontend
- singularity — DPOI
- ucom.backend — U°Community backend
- ucom.libs.social.transactions — U°Community user transactions on U°OS
- ucom.libs.wallet — U°Community wallet for U°OS
- uos.plugins — Rate of entities on U°OS. Entities: posts, articles, comments, users, organizations, communities. Also displayed on U°Community.
- uos — U°OS blockchain software
- uos.docs — U°OS Framework documentation repository
- uos.uip — U°OS Network improvement proposals
- ucom.uip — U°Community improvement proposals
- mongo-c-driver — A cross-platform MongoDB client library for C. Used as part of the U°OS project to provide library compatibility to cache account names.
- uos.contracts — U°OS Network contracts for entity rates
- tribute — User mentions for U°Community
- ucom.libs.graphql-schemas — GraphQL schemas library to reuse between different services
- UOSTracker — U°OS block explorer
- UOS-Web-Wallet — U°OS web wallet
- uos.landing — U°OS landing page at https://uos.network/
- uos.libs — DEPRECATED
Click Issues
in the repository to see the reported issues.
See Issue Template.
UIP is short for U°OS Improvement Proposal.
A UIP is what you submit to improve the U°OS protocol. A UIP is always a community decision and must go through a detailed discussion with the community members.
UIPs are tracked in the uos.uip repository.
Submit a UIP as a pull request to the UIP repository: github/UOSnetwork/repo/
See UIP Template.
U°OS and U°Community documentation hub.
Check README.md of each repository.
Check README.md of each repository.
The goals of contributing to U°OS:
- Maintain the quality of code, developer experience, user experience
- Fix issues
- Engage the community to make the best possible U°OS
See Commit Message Style Guide.
- Check the Issue Tracker first to see if the bug's been reported and/or fixed.
- If the bug hasn't been submitted yet, submit it first.
- Write a comment in the issue tracker that you are working on the bug.
- Submit your fix in accordance with the regular GitHub flow.
See Code of Conduct.
See Releases and Release Notes.
For a detailed walkthrough see Spinning up a Block Producer Node on Ubuntu.
For a detailed walkthrough see Starting a U°OS Calculator Node.
Both U°OS and U°Community are open source and under public licensing. For details, check the LICENSE.md file in each repository.
- Gitter: UOS-Dev
- Telegram: UOS Network Chat
- Discord: UOS Network Chat