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Basic Player Tracking Feature

gaurikadiwan edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 1 revision


The Basic Player Tracking feature enables the companion entity to perform basic movement on the map while maintaining a certain distance from the player entity. This movement is achieved through the implementation of the CompanionActions component, which governs the companion's behavior. The main goal is to create a dynamic movement pattern that keeps the companion entity close to the player while preventing it from crossing over a designated point on the map.



CompanionActions companionActions = new CompanionActions();


void walk(Vector2 direction): Moves the companion in a given direction.

void stopWalking(): Stops the companion from walking.

void setPlayerEntity(Entity playerEntity): Sets the player entity reference for the companion.

void update(): Updates the companion's movement and speed based on user input.

boolean isMovementKeyPressed(): Checks if any movement keys are pressed.

void updateFollowPlayer(): Updates the companion's position to follow the player.

void updateSpeed(): Updates the companion's movement speed.

void create(): Initializes the companion's behavior and event listeners.


PhysicsComponent: Manages the physics simulation of the companion entity.

Entity: Represents the companion entity and facilitates interactions.

Vector2: Provides vector operations for position calculations.

ServiceLocator: Manages game resources and services.

Implementation Details

The Individual Movement with Rotational Component feature introduces a more advanced movement system for the companion entity. The walk() method allows the companion to move in a given direction, providing a greater degree of control over its movement. The stopWalking() method halts the companion's movement, ensuring smooth and controlled navigation. image

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