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Pause Functionality Testing Plan

racheljadel edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 1 revision


Player Death is an integral aspect of the game's function, and the implementation of a death screen was important to communicate to the user that the player has died and give them the option to either respawn or exit to the main menu. To improve the implementation of player death, a death animation was added. Therefore, these implementations must be adequately tested, and so PlayerDeathScreen and the player death animation were tested in accordance with the following testing plan:

Test Plan for Pause Button


To validate that when the Menu button is pressed, the PauseWindow correctly shows up on the screen and displays the correct options. This is to ensure:

  • The pause window displays the three options of either returning to the game, switching to the controls screen or exiting to the main menu.
  • The game correctly 'pauses', in which the player, enemies and any other entity is unable to move or attack.
  • The player's health does not decrease when in the pause menu.
  • When returned to the game, the player and enemies are now able to move and attack. The player's health can also now decrease.


Since the pause menu is a visual component, the best way to test its function is to provide a video. This video can also be used to verify the pause game functionality as well as the functionality of the Menu button. The following video provides this visual test:

As seen in the video, once the menu button is pressed, the correct window will appear, and the game will appear to have been paused. The game returns to normal once the "Return to Game" button has been clicked. The pause functionality is better demonstrated when the enemy attacks the player whilst in the game, however when the pause menu is brought up (as accessed through an ESC keyboard click), the enemy stops attacking the player (as indicated by the player's health no longer decreasing). The enemy's normal behaviours (of moving towards and attacking the player) return when the pause menu is closed.

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