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Test Plan For CompanionInventoryComponent

gaurikadiwan edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 1 revision


The CompanionInventoryComponent class is responsible for managing the inventory of a companion in the game. This test plan will cover various aspects of the component, including initialization, inventory management, attack cooldown, and equipped slots.

Test Objectives

1.Initialisation Testing: Check getItem(), getAmmo(), and getMaxAmmo() return expected values. Set attack cooldown, validate with getAttackCooldown().

2.Ammo Management Testing: Increase and decrease ammo with changeAmmo(). Ensure ammo remains within the valid range.

3.Attack Cooldown Testing: Decrease cooldown with decCoolDown(). Ensure it does not go below zero.

4.Slot and Equipped Testing: Set and validate equipped slot with setEquipped() and getEquipped().

5.Update and Ammo Testing: Verify update() decreases equipped weapon's cooldown. Ensure getEquippedType() and getCurrentAmmo() update correctly after calling update().

Test Cases

Initialisation Test Case:

Set the attack cooldown to 3 using setAttackCooldown(3) and validate it with getAttackCooldown().

Ammo Management Test Case:

Attempt to set ammo to exceed the max ammo, and ensure it remains within the valid range.

Confirm that attempting to exceed max ammo is prevented.

Attack Cooldown Test Case:

Set the attack cooldown to 3 with setAttackCooldown(3) and verify it using getAttackCooldown().

Slot and Equipped Test Case:

Set the equipped slot to "melee" using setEquipped("melee") and confirm it with getEquipped().

Attempt to set an invalid slot and ensure that the original equipped slot remains unchanged.

Update and Ammo Test Case:

Call update() and verify that it decreases the equipped weapon's cooldown.

Call getEquippedType() to check if the equipped weapon type updates correctly after calling update().

Call getCurrentAmmo() to ensure it updates correctly after calling update().

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